
1710 Main Street,

Marinette, Wisconsin,

April 15, 1924

My dear Cousins:

It surely has been a long, long time since hearing from you, but now it is only a case of casting your bread on the water, and watch the returns, and with this delightful anticipation in mind, it makes the task of writing a real pleasure. Your letters are like a continued story, one can hardly wait for the next installment.

The October issue was a revelation to me. I never knew there were so many good looking people in the east, and to think they are all mine. I at once entered on the credit side of my ledger 50% fir looks, which brought the Campbell stock up to a full 100%.

The winter has been a long one here, not so bad the early part, but quite severe since the first of the year. At the present time, there is at least eighteen inches of ice on Green Bay. The large Ann Arbor car ferries have been coming through daily from Frankford1 [sic] since March 1st, but navigation proper will not open for some time. We are quite used to these conditions, but sometimes wish we had cast our lot in a less strenuous climate, especially when we get our annual letter from Tommie.

William, Jr., "Bill" as we call him, was home for the holidays2 and spent his Easter vacation with Cousin Will Selph in New York3. We had several letters from him while there, and he could not say enough good things about Will and his good wife and daughter. He had a wonderful time, and the impressions gained of the eastern Metropolis will no doubt remain with him always4.

Louise joins in sending love to you all.


1. Many ferries operated out of FRANKFORT, Mich. Most of the Ann Arbor Company ferries went to Kewaunee, WI or Manitowoc, WI, but this one apparently went to Marinette's twin city, Menominee, MI.. See video. Car ferry service has been resorted between Frankfort and Kewaunee --- wbt.

2. Vacation from Deerfield Academy prep school in Deerfield, MA. You can read his CCC letter about that --- wbt.

3. NYC --- wbt.

4. Unfortunately, "always" wasn't that long; he died at age 29 --- wbt.

- Volume #2 - Page #77 -
(William Campbell Family)

Copyright © 2001, 2013 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.