Campbell Cousins Correspondence

217 Broadway,

New York, N. Y.

April 29, 1924

Dear Cousins:

Just a little line to say that after closing up the Book of Cousins Letters last Saturday, April 26th, we have been favored with three additional Cousin Letters from Cousins Frank Hoyt, Mary Shewman, and Georgia Parks. It seemed too bad not to have them included and they have therefore been added to our list, bringing the total number of letters up to sixty-one, and leaving only a few in the delinquent column. The above 3 letters are not included in the page of Contents nor in the Returns By States on page "A" -- but the Cousins will, of course, understand the reason for these omissions. (Please add them in with pen and ink1.)

Trusting all the Cousins will thoroughly enjoy Volume #2 of the Campbell Cousins Correspondence and again wishing you all health, wealth, and happiness, I am

Sincerely yours,


1. I have included those revisions on our web pages -- wbt.

- Volume #2 - Page #100 -
(Julia Campbell Family)

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