Osceola, Pa.,

March 30, 1925.

Dear Cousins:

March, that month so much dreaded by many of us, is nearly over, and what a wonderful month it has been - so much sunshine and so little shadow for blustery old March! The leaves here are so green, the robins so numerous and such large fellows, that for the last few weeks I have forgotten to envy my many friends who are spending the winter in the South.

Early in December I was called to Osceola by the serious illness of my mother, and I am still here, although Mother is much improved in health, and I hope to go home for Isabelle's Easter vacation. We are planning to spend most of that time in Binghamton with Jess and family.

Cousin Mary Seely and Anne Van Dusen have been my near neighbors since I have been at Father's, and I have enjoyed them both, and feel that their friendship has meant a great deal to me during this somewhat strenuous winter.

I am expecting to spend Wednesday of this week with Cousin Stella Wilbur at Nelson. I have not seen her since the Cousins Dinner at Mansfield, but as I have five grandchildren and she only three, I expect to do most of the talking myself.

My family are all well and happy, but I suppose each of my daughters is a member of this club, I will not say much about them for fear of "stealing their thunder". It is rather hard not to write about the babies, as a grandmother can see so many things that a mere mother never notices.

Hoping that each and every one of the cousins is in the best of health and enjoying his or her share of this world's good things, I remain

Sincerely yours,


Volume III - Page 26
(Phoebe Campbell Family)

Utilizing Sandy Buck Garrett's 2012 transcription.
Copyright © 2013 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.