Elmira Heights, N.Y.,

March 30, 1925.

Dear Cousins:

When March first arrived I said "For once I'll be on time with my "cousin letter", but regardless of several previous reminders, I'm just writing it now.

Today is Ann Taylor's birthday. She is eight years old and considers herself quite a young lady. We are to entertain tonight, as no birthday is complete without a party.

We have had a busy and enjoyable winter. Some of the special events for me have been trips once a month to Bailey Hall, Ithaca, where we heard fine concerts given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra; Moriz Rosenthal, pianist; Cleveland Symphony Orchestra; Emilio de Gogorza, baritone; and Efram Zimbalist, violinist. I also had the pleasure of hearing Geraldine Farrar in Carmen.

In October we drove to Nelson with Miss McKay, a kindergarten teacher, and had dinner with Mama. Then we went to Mansfield and called on Aunt Mary Shipman and family, and inspected the Normal1. In December we drove to Watkins to see Cousins Em Buck and Ed and Em Congdon. Needless to say, we enjoyed the calls.

Christmas Day we spent with Eva. All that was lacking to make it a perfect day was Mama. But we are hoping we'll be together next Christmas.

All these things together with church, clubs and Eastern Star work (I'm secretary of our Chapter) have kept me busy.

Jack Sr. is president of the Parent-Teacher Association. The Association is responsible for the organizing of a Boys Band of sixty-five pieces, and it has also raised twenty-eight hundred dollars2 to equip a playground. These accomplishments, together with a new community house which is being built by our church, make us feel the Heights is active.

We are looking for Dad and Mother Hazlett home from Florida soon. They have been gone since last November. Dad bought a lot and built a bungalow, so I suppose that's where we'll find them winters now, as according to the letters Florida agrees with them.

1. Treva and my mother were both Mansfield Normal School grads, class of 1913. I think Treva stopped teaching when she married.

2. A lot of money back then.

Volume III - Page 24
(Maria Campbell Family)

I went to Nelson in February for Mama's birthday. The children thought it a treat to ride on the Nelson train, but to me it goes slower each year, and I was glad Jack could drive up3 for us.

In looking over the letters of a year ago, I find that Cousin Roswell mentioned seeing "Blossom Time" in London. We saw it at the Lyceum in January, the night of our severe snow storm. We couldn't drive the car, and it took over an hour to go by trolley, but we arrived on time and enjoyed the play. We found afterward that the trolley stopped at nine o'clock that evening because of drifts! We met a young man from the Heights who was also attempting to get home, and, because we had left our children with young girls, said he would take Mrs. Owen and me home. For about two hours we sat along the road - when we were not shovelling snow [sic]. Finally we arrived within two blocks, so we waded that far and reached home about one o'clock the next morning! Mr. Owen and Jack got a taxi and managed to arrive at about two o'clock. I don't think we shall forget "Blossom Time", soon, anyway. Uncle Ross Loop drove over and had to be shovelled [sic] out.

This is a rather long letter for me, and as it is nearing party time, as Anne keeps reminding me, so I shall now close.

I hope that we shall see a good many out at the reunions this year. Plan to take your vacation for this year, and we'd like to make it a success.



3. That was a lot of money back then.

Volume III - Page 25
(Maria Campbell Family)

Utilizing Sandy Buck Garrett's 2012 transcription.
Copyright © 2013 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.