Nelson, Pa.,

  April 3, 1925.

Dear Cousins:

This letter writing is out of my line of business, but as Cousin Will has asked me, along with the rest, to send a few words to be placed in the Correspondence Club book, I shall at least make an effort to do so.

No doubt most of you know that I am on the farm with Mother, and am taking up the work Father left last fall when he passed away so suddenly on last November nineteenth. My family consists of my wife, Martha, and one little girl, Elva Mae, who is nineteen months old. I am a farmer, and like most men of that following am waiting for settled weather for spring work. It has not been a good [maple] sugar year in this section. We made but little more than enough for our own use.

As this is my first contribution to "the letters", I shall close for this time, hoping to be able to write more next time.



Volume III - Page 32
(Eleanor Campbell Family)

Utilizing Sandy Buck Garrett's 2012 transcription.
Copyright © 2013 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.