Nelson, Pa.,

April 5, 1925.

Dear Cousins and Friends:

There's nothing cheers a fellow up just like
         a hearty greeting.       

A handclasp and an honest smile that flash the
         joy of meeting;

And when at friendly doors you ring, somehow it
         seems to free you

From all life's doubts to hear them say, "Come
         in! We're glad to see you!"

At first the portal slips ajar in answer to
        your ringing,

And then your eyes meet friendly eyes, and wide
         the door goes flinging;

And something seems to stir the soul, however
        troubled be you,

If but the cheery host exclaims:

"Come in! We're glad to see you!"1

Now, we want you all to feel just this way, "Come in! We're glad to hear you!" It is a great privilege to be able to welcome this letter writing and feel every time we read the letters that we are becoming better acquainted.

It seems strange, as closely united as Grandfather Campbell's immediate family was, that the grandchildren should be so scattered. But as it is "the people" who make up the world, I am glad that so many of our Clan have "scattered", and hope the different parts of the world will the the better for it.

A great many changes have taken place since our last letters. Sickness and death have come to many of us. Last July we had a lovely little grandson come to us, Charles Butler Owlett, born to Charles and Leah Owlett. We thought for some time Leah would be taken from us, but she was spared and is very well now. The baby is a little (or big) fat youngster. I was with Cousin Inez for a few days when she was sick. Cousin Mary Shipman has been very sick. I was with her three weeks in August, staying until Mabel and Llewellyn came from their western trip. I had been home only two weeks when Andrew passed away very suddenly, breaking our circle for the first time.

1. An Old Fashioned Welcome by Edgar Albert Guest.

Volume III - Page 46
(Eleanor Campbell Family)

In November I went to Washington, D.C., to visit sister Jennie Bosard, who was in very poor health. She improved for a very short time, then failed rapidly and passed away February third. She was so patient, good and sweet to everyone. Under the circumstances some days were very sad, while others were very pleasant; but certainly Florence and Mary and her family did everything to make it very pleasant for me. I saw and heard many nice things and had many delightful auto rides. Washington is a very good place to spend the winter. Some snow, icy sidewalks, an eclipse, an earthquake and an inauguration all added to the excitement.

I stayed in Washington until March seventh, and then Mary Snavely and I spend a week in New Jersey with Cousins Will Selph and George Buck. Will and Edith surely did everything to give me a good time. We went for rides and to entertainments, and when we came home from our sight-seeing trips, we would find good Grandma Loder with a good dinner ready for us. I was at George Buck's for one night and a day, and was made to feel right at home there. I wish I might have stayed longer. Every motion George Buck makes is his Uncle Ed Congdon right over again. Both Will and George have very pleasant homes and very good wives. If you would visit them, you would say the same thing.

I am home now on the farm, and it is time for spring work. The [maple] sugar season was short and not very good, but any of you who will come to dinner with us may have what sugar you will eat. The snow was very deep this winter, but did not last long.

A number of our cousins have been in Florida the past winter. I suppose they are now, or soon will be, like the geese, coming northward.

I hope we shall hear from everyone of the clan this time. Be the book ever so large, we have plenty of room for it alongside other family books in the home.

As yesterday was my birthday, I went down to Jessie's. Ford was home for a short time today, and last Sunday five of the children were home. We are all usually well.

Hope we may all be permitted to write a letter again next year.

With love and best wishes for all,


Volume III - Page 47
(Eleanor Campbell Family)

Utilizing Sandy Buck Garrett's 2012 transcription.
Copyright © 2013 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.