
Mission Ridge Road,

Santa Barbara, Cal.,

April 19, 1925.

Dear Cousins:

Again, greetings from California!

There's really nothing much of interest to write about -- no radical change having taken place in our doings and surroundings since the last letter, except a few trips between California and Pennsylvania by various members of the family, both points having their charms for the Congdons.

Bernice and I are planning to drive back to Marshalls Falls1 this spring and spend the summer there with Mother. Father will no doubt join us if he can tear himself away from California. It seems to have "got" him at least he has been on the Coast since December.

Bernice joins me in sending best wishes to all the cousins.



1. Charley Congdon's summer home was in Marshalls Fall, PA (South of Stroudsburg). He also owned a resort hotel on adjacent property. Because his school music and textbook publishing business was in NYC, he primarily lived in a NYC hotel. Louise became ill and spent several years in CA and AZ for her health, accompanied by her sister and mother. At the time of this letter, Louise seems to have recovered enough to travel and for her mother to leave her for months.

Volume III - Page 97
(Sarah Campbell Family)

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