"Rose Lawn Farm",

Nelson, Pa.,

March 13, 1926.

My Dear Campbell Cousins:-

One of my strong points is "always being on time." For several days I have been receiving letters from all points of the compass asking me to hurry with my letter; as I would not like the 100% to fall short on my account I am hurrying. However, it seems I have not much to say.

The event in my family since my last letter is the marriage of my niece, Isabelle, on June 15, 1925, to Thomas Field of Elmira, - where they reside. My sister1, Frances, lives with them. Isabelle keeps her position as Physical Culture Teacher, and Tom has a responsible position with the James Manufacturing Co., in their Office.

In December, I spent one week with my three girls, - going first to Binghamton to see Jessie. She teaches and the two older children, Walter Jr. or "Tom" as we call him and Anne Betty, go to school, while Henry who is three years old and a curly and yellow haired blue eyed darling, if he doesn't take kindly to one calls them a "bum" no matter whether it be the Minister or the County Superintendent. Tom is very bright in school work and began music but his mother decided he wasn't strong enough yet for so much. Anne Betty is a lovely little girl, very dark hair and complexion and eyes. I am "Granny" to Jessie's children. Jessie has a housekeeper to take care of the baby through the day. Walter, has the same work as last year, gets good pay, has several men under his management as he is an expert workman, - gets pretty mad at some of them at times.

From Binghamton I went North to North Brookfield, N.Y., where Elizabeth still lives, Roy works for the D.L.&W. Railroad Co., also sells Atwater Kent Radios. As I could hear very well over the radio2 I intend to have one: think maybe I can get it cheap as they are in the family, I reached there Sunday morning, found Betty entertaining the entertainer on the lyceum courses for over Sunday.

1. Sister-in-law.

2. According to Inez' 1924 letter, and Lena SEELY Goodrich' 1925 letter, Inez was quite deaf.

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(Phoebe Campbell Family)


Betty finds time besides her own work and caring for two lively boys, Joseph, who is nine and looks like his mother and is a very agreeable little fellow, and David who is two and a little black eyed imp, -- to belong to the Eastern Star, the King's daughters and helps in two Church Aid Societies and everything of that kind. I heard a sermon over the radio by a Presbyterian Minister in Pittsburg [sic] and heard every word and all the music, which was quite wonderful to me as I had not heard a service for years.

From North Brookfield, I went to Elmira3 to see Isabelle and Tom. They took me to a good show that evening.

I arrived home after one most delightful week. As I left a man and wife to keep house, William was well cared for.4

We are both very well and very busy. William has the same line of work as last year.

We were shocked to hear of Cousin Phil Young's death.

To each of you I send this wish:-

"For you I pray, along life's way
        A mind with calm contentment blest;
      Good store of health, with some of wealth,
        With toil enough to sweeten rest;
      That unto you, the journey through,
        The friendship of true hearts given;
      Some tears, some mirth, the best on earth,
        And at the last a place in heaven."
Sincerely yours,


3. She didn't drive. She was traveling by train.

4. It seems strange to me, because my earliest memories of him are of a widower who had been "bach'ing it" as long as I had known him (and longer). He was able bodied --- working a farm and having a milk route where he'd picked up dairy farmers milk cans and took them to a creamery each morning. But at the time, it was not unusual for a man not to know how to cook, do laundry, etc. And with two jobs he may not have had much time or energy for those tasks even if he did know how.

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(Phoebe Campbell Family)

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