Nelson, Pa.,

March 23, 1926.

Dear Cousins:-

After receiving your splendid letter book of Cousins' letters fr which I am very grateful and a couple of letters from Cousin Will Selph, urging me to write a letter for the book, I am now seated at a desk that has served three generations of the Hazlett family and is more than one hundred years old. And this old house that will soon reach the century mark has sheltered the same generations of our family. I would be loath to leave it, for the old fashioned brass door nobs and ancient latches have become very dear to me - in fact, a part of my life. You know wherever we may roam or where our lot may be cast as men and women those childhood haunts where we fished and swam and played in youth are always home. I look out and over the fields that were cleared by other hands so long ago - more than a century, - and the trees planted in the distant past, - and I am reminded that we are building for others. We are gathering the harvest of their toil, therefore, we should plant and sow and labor for the generations yet unborn.

I am afraid my letter is getting too long but I wish to speak of one more place that I know is dear to everyone of the Joseph Campbell Cousins It is the old church1 on the top of the hill where all of us attended in childhood. It is not a beautiful building but some how it looks good for its associations. My father cut the first tree that went into the frame. Our congregation is small but we are keeping it open for all who wish to come.

I will close by wishing you all the best that the world affords. I wish to state that Joseph Campbell's sister was my grandmother.

Yours very truly,


1. The Beecher's Island Presbyterian Church. For more info, see the last two section about Beecher's Island..

Volume IV - Page 31

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