Independence, Oregon,

March 20, 1926.

Dear Campbell Cousins:-

Regardless of all my good intentions, I have waited longer than I intended before having this annual visit with you. So much has come into the lives of many of our circle since our last issue that I am waiting with much interest for the messages which will soon be ours to enjoy As Cousin William has asked us especially to mention the small as well as the greater experiences we have had during the year we certainly each must have a message. Lish and myself returned from the Southland soon after my last letter - and we were a very busy pair for a time - adjusting ourselves to the very strenuous duties of house cleaning, gardening, etc. And after that -- enjoying our home and friends.

It was our privilege to attend the Campbell Reunion in August - motoring there with Tommie and Frank, who were at that time visiting friends in the North. To me it seemed one of the most enjoyable in many years, but we missed many faces that had greeted us in years past. Very soon after this we were called to Nelson to attend the funeral of Brother Will Ellison, whose sudden going away was a great shock to all of us, and our sympathy went out to his family. The funeral was held in the Presbyterian Church, a place very sacred to us all, on account of early associations. I wandered back to the seat my father and mother and us children occupied together, Oh, so long ago, and paused in reverence - my mind was so filled with past memories. We went home with sister Mary Shipman that night as she was not well and we were very anxious over her condition. Soon after she had a most serious operation, and how grateful we all are that she is quite well again and enjoying another winter with Tommie and Frank in Florida.

The next big event was the annual Cousins Dinner at the home of Cousins Will and Minnie Clark, in Osceola, Pa. It was a most joyous occasion - many Cousins coming a long distance to be present and others even closing up their business places to enjoy the occasion. Cousin Doris Selph who was so soon to change her name looked very happy and we enjoyed her so much, but we missed many faces whose presence would have gladdened our hearts. Brother[s] Will and Tommie and sister Mary, were all spoken of, as well as others who were missed.

I think most of you know that we were called here in November, 1925, on account of the serious illness of Nellie,-making the journey in five days, with a change of trains once - which was in Chicago1. She was very ill for many weeks, but thanks to a kind Providence she was spared to us, and is now quite herself again. Since her recovery

1. At that time it was not possible to travel thru Chicago by train from West to East (or East to West) without changing trains.

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(William Campbell Family)


we have been having a most delightful time at Arthur's - Frank's and here with Clark and Nellie. The climate in some respects is much like Florida - vegetation grows and flowers bloom all during the winter months. There has been no snow here this winter, but at all times we can see the snow capped peaks of many mountains, Mount Hood, Mt. Jefferson and others. The past week Clark, Nellie, Lish and I motored to Newport, a popular winter resort on the Pacific coast, near here where people were enjoying surf bathing and the sun was so hot we found a shady corner to watch the white caps on the Pacific Ocean. We spent several weeks at FrankY's home in Portland, which was a wonderful privilege, From there I had a most delightful trip to Tacoma and spent a week at the home of Cousins Ed and Em Congdon, a privilege I had long coveted. The trip was one never to be forgotten for the scenery. The broad Columbia River, the immense lumbering districts - covering acres of ground and the waters of Puget Sound, dotted with large sea-faring vessels, with Mount Ranier snow capped in the distance, -- made a picture long to be remembered. But the best was yet to come, - Cousin Ed and his son, Lee, a fine Cousin whom you would lie to know, met us at the station and we drove to his home where Cousin Em stood ready to welcome us. Nothing which could add to the to the pleasure f my visit was left undone. One of the pleasant events was a one o'clock luncheon given by Cousin Em in honor of my birthday, February 25th. A large number of her friends were invited and her daughter, Georgia and husband came all the way from Harper, Washington, to be present. I returned to Portland for a time - then back here to Independence, to find that during my absence a darling little girl, Dora Grace - had come to gladden the hearts and home of Arthur - a beautiful child - which we trust may be a great comfort to them.

Faith is home from college for her Easter vacation, a most interesting girl - full of college life and enthusiastic over her work2. We have missed her in the home.

The sad news has just reached us of Cousin Phil Young's untimely death, and has cast a gloom over us. We remember him best when he and Cousin Lou - who was a favorite of us all - came often to Uncle John's with their children to enjoy family gatherings. Our deepest sympathy goes out to each member of his family. We will miss him from our circle.

We will leave here very soon, for Baker, 300 miles toward home3 and spend several weeks at Harry's home. This will be another pleasure - then we must hike for home, and get busy after a delightful winter spent in the homes of our children, each one of whom joins us in sending love to all the Campbell Cousins.

Sincerely and lovingly,


2. Faith went on to become the first woman dean at the U. of OR. As of 9/13/2013 she is the oldest living Campbell Cousin and the only surviving writer of a CCC letter.

3. Westfield, Tioga Co., PA.

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(William Campbell Family)

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