140 Tremont Street,

Boston, Mass.,

March 30th, 1926.

Dear Campbell Cousins:-

My letter has been delayed, largely because of the arrival on March 20th, of Miss Marian Loring Young. She joins her brothers, Philip and John, in sending greetings to her cousins of the third, fourth, and fifth generations1. Her mother's letter tells you more about Miss Marian.

I am now in the midst of preparations for the usual business trip to Europe and expect to sail on the Leviathan from New York on April 10th. Fortunately this year one of the boys from the store is going with me and I expect to have good company all the way, thereby removing one of the objectionable features of such a trip, namely, loneliness. We are going directly to London and from there will reach in turn, Paris, Berlin, Chemnitz, Dresden, Vienna and Paris again, whence we sail for home about the middle of May. With an itinerary like this, the trip is as enjoyable as though I were going as a tourist2. The amount of time spent buying and looking at merchandise is necessarily so small in comparison with the amount of time spent traveling that it is really more of a pleasure diversion than it is work.

While in Elmira the first of March, at the time of my father's death, I saw a good many of the Cousins, including Carrie Campbell, Will Campbell and his wife, Winifred, Ruth Buck Mandeville an her husband, Bill Mandeville, Joe Buck, and Cousin Grace Carey. Their sympathy and help did much to relieve the sorrow we felt. Cousin Will Campbell said truly that the Campbells as a rule see very little of each other but at times of sorrow they may be counted on to appear and offer real help.

I have already warned you that I am a radio fan. We were late in catching the fever at my house and I have had a set only a little over a month. I have already worn out my near-by friends and neighbors with my radio yarns and turn gladly to you who have no way of stopping me. Like all beginners I went after distance with only moderate success. Some Chicago stations and Jacksonville, Fla. seem to constitute my limit, but I am consoled by the statement of older radio "experts" that conditions have been very bad around here this winter and that I will do better later on. With four Boston and three Providence stations broadcasting every night we can always get some variety and our greatest problem is to tune out local stations that monopolize the

1.  He was counting Joseph and Ann Clinch Campbell as the first generation..

2. Roswell was a buyer for a Boston department store.

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(John H. Campbell Family)


air3. I recently changed all of my tubes for new ones and about trebled the efficiency of my set. Just to show that the Campbells get in everywhere, let me record that Cousin Harry Campbell sang from WLSI, Providence, about a month ago, and my brother, Edward Young, broadcasted from Newark, N.J. over two years ago, so you may pick a Campbell on the air most anytime. This is a warning.

Edward, Ethel, and I attended a Campbell Reunion in August and had a fine time.4 If it comes in August next summer I promise to get a good delegation of Cousins from Elmira to go. In fact, I have already secured some promises for that event.

I look forward with a great deal of pleasure to receiving the book.

Cordially yours,


3. In those early days of radio, programs were mostly music, with few commercials. Because the number of radio stations was fairly small, the pioneering stations were allowed to broadcast much stronger signals  The chance of picking up distant stations was much better in the evening, because of "skip" --- except at times of higher solar activity such as sun spots.

4. It's always seemed strange to me that the CCC letters frequently mention the Cousins Dinners; but rarely mention the Campbell Reunions. The Cousins Dinners were only for the grandchildren of Joseph and Ann Clinch Campbell --- and for their invited guests. The Campbell Reunions were open to the public and were attended by Luggs, Blackwells, and friends --- not just Campbells (including Hazletts).

Volume IV - Page 39
(John H. Campbell Family)

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