Osceola, Pa.,

March 31, 1926

Dear Cousins:-

I have been reminded by two or three different Cousins, to not be late with my Cousin letter, so I better get busy.

Today is the last day of March and showing hard. This last winter has been a long cold one, with plenty of snow, ice and especially wind. We have had but very few days of sunshine so far this spring, but we hope to see some warm weather soon.

This past year with us has been generally uneventful and so little of interest has happend in our family, I hardly have anything to say. If all you Cousins were interested in cattle, sheep, etc., I could write pages, as that is my line.</>

Saturday, March 20th, being Rex's birthday, we all spent the day down at father's, enjoyed a fine dinner, birthday cake and all.

The children are all at home, that is, when not in school. Beryl attends High School in Elkland, and walks from home, a distance of about two and a half miles. Allen Jud is spending his first year in school at Osceola. Dora is teaching at Nelson, but is home every week end, and Rex is helping me on the farm. We sure do not get lonesome when the young folks are around, something dong every minute.

We were unable to attend the Cousins Dinner last fall, much as we had wisheddd, so se missed a pleasant visit with the Cousins.

With best wishes to all,

Cordially yours,


Volume IV - Page 43
(Mary Ann Campbell Family)

Copyright © 2013 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.