East 405 - 18th Ave. North,

St. Petersburg, Fla.,

April 5th, 1926.

Dear Relatives of the Campbell Clan:-

It certainly gives me much pleasure to be able to add a few words of greeting to each one of this great family, and to converse with you in this manner. While many changes have occurred in some of the homes represented by these letters, others of the family have flowed along in smooth and uneventful ways. This has been the case in my Immediate family, nothing of any importance having transpired during the past year to break the change in our lives.1 But on April 12th, will occur an event which I never expected to see, - our Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary, at which time we will keep open house to greet our friends. And how much I would like to grasp your hands and welcome you all to our home at this particular time! We are very fortunate to have sister Mary Shipman and her daughter Mabel and her husband Llewellyn Shaw with us at this time; both of our daughters with their families live here and can help us to make merry on this memorable day. We have many Pennsylvania friends who will also be with us on this occasion. We are not growing old but younger in this warm sunny clime and life looks as sweet and good now, as it did fifty years ago; time passes quickly and the hours are golder as we pause to think of the future, we wonder what it has in store for us. We are certainly blessed with good health and have all our family and a good home and lots of lovely friends, with the privilege of living in a city of continual sunshine and a bright outlook ahead. What more can one wish for? We have regrets when we think of past opportunities where we might have done more good in many ways, but what is past is gone forever.

Our little grandson, Bobbie Mitchell, has been ailing for about a month and for the past two weeks has been very ill when blood poison developed; we have been very much concerned over his condition but now we think he is coming along finely and will be up and about in a week or so.

Daughter Ruth Mitchell wishes me to say she has her heart and hands full and cannot even find time to think about writing a Cousins letter so she will have to be excused this time with a good wish and hearty greetings to each one of her relatives of the Campbell Clan.

1. Only a few months later, the Florida real estate "bubble" burst. Tommie was a large scale developer who owned many acres of land and had invested large sums into providing streets, water, sewer, etc. --- eventually having to donate the land to the city as Campbell Park when the demand for new houses suddenly evaporated.

Volume IV - Page 55
(William Campbell Family)

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While we were North last summer we saw Cousin Phil Young in Elmira; how well he looked and was so jolly and gave us such a hearty greeting that when the word came of his tragic death we were so shocked we could not believe it. How uncertain life is after all!

We were saddened to hear of the sudden passing away of brother Will Ellison and that same day came the message of the untimely death of my nephew, Gordon Parks; these sorrows of our families unite us closer to each other and remind us that life is fleeting What a blessing that time is a healer of sorrow, else what unhappy lives we would live.

We enjoy many pleasures in the privilege of having so many of our Northern friends and relatives living here a part of the time. Treva Hooker Hazlett and her husband; they arrived here last week. John is much improved in health and delighted with St. Petersburg and its wonderful climate which at this time is about perfect; our warm balm salt air gives one new life and makes one want to enjoy it indefinitely.

Easter Sunday was as perfect a day as one ever saw; it seemed as though the Divine Maker had put the finishing touches on "A Perfect Day". Thousands of people were out to enjoy themselves each in his or her own way; our beaches were thronged with people, - hundreds enjoying the salt water swimming in the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, - while others were enjoying the beautiful orange and grape fruit [sic] groves inhaling the sweet perfume of the blossom laden trees. All nature seems alive and it is grand to live and be able to enjoy all the blessings God showers on his people in this glorious clime.

With many good wishes and much love to each one of my numerous relatives, I am,

Sincerely yours,


Wife of Tommie Campbell.

Volume IV - Page 56
(William Campbell Family)

Copyright © 2013, 2016 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.