Marinette, Wis.,

April 7th, 1926.

My dear Cousins:-

It is with a great deal of pleasure that I send greetings to all of the Campbell Cousins and offer my bit for the fourth edition of the splendid Campbell Chronicle.

Since you have letters before you from Dad and brother Bill, I am going to include in my offering, something relative to my own conquests.

Known for these many, many years as one of those dyed-in-the wool bachelors, I have surprised everyone by reports of a feat I recently performed in Iowa I am happy to report to all of my kin that I will be a benedict1 before our next letters are published. Miss Elizabeth Welch of Cedar Rapids has promised to become a part of Clan Campbell during the early summer, and I am just as proud of it as all this sounds.

Enclosed please find hearty "hellos" and hand shakes for you all,



1. "Be a benedict" refers to Benedict Arnold. I.e. by getting engaged he became "traitor" to bachelorhood.

Volume IV - Page 57
(William Campbell Family)

Copyright © 2013, 2016 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.