709 W. Water Street,

Elmira, New York,

April 12th, 1926.

Dear Cousins:-

A hospital doesn't seem a very cheering place from which to send greetings - however, it is simply that the Mandeville's [sic] have lost another pair of tonsils; Billy's this time. He is getting along splendidly, particularly with the sign language. In a few days everyone will hear all the gory details. His mind seems to work that way. Sometime in the future, yellow journalism will have a first class reporter. When Bill and I returned from a trip recently, his first question was, "Did you see any nice accidents?" - on answering "No", he said, "Gee, didn't you even see a train wreck?" The trip apparently was a failure as far as he was concerned - but not for us. Bill had Grippe and a few days in Atlantic City did him worlds of good.1

Our interests haven't changed much since last year, centering in the boys of course. Billy is in the second grade and admits that he is one of the star pupils only the teacher doesn't know it. It happens that way sometimes.

David is an angelic looking boy (if you don't look too long). Those who remember Jerome in his hectic infancy may have some idea of David. Suffice it to say, ours is not a quiet household.

Bill is, as always, busy with business and public affairs. I think everyone knows that Joe and he are in the same law office.

When I hear of how active Cousin Anna Buck is in her community, I feel how very useless I am in mine Some day I hope to do something worth mentioning.

We are all very thankful that Henry, Pearl's son, pulled through a very critical illness.

Mother, aside from colds, has been well this winter. At present her house is torn up from top to bottom being redecorated. If she doesn't write you will know the cause.

Love and greetings to all,



1. 'Grippe' was a another name for influenza

Volume IV - Page 71
(Joseph Campbell Family)

Copyright © 2013, 2017 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.