Elkland, Pa.,

April 19, 1926.

Dear Cousins:-

What a wonderful morning; somewhat cool but we are in hopes that it will warm up soon. We have had lots of snow but it hasn't been a bad winter.

We are all well at present. Have had the Grippe but that seems to be the fad this spring. We has a little hard luck and lost a horse that has always been in the family.

We are expecting to leave the farm as Mr. E. C. Baxter from Montana is here now. He does not want us to move, but we think it is for the best.

I have been helping to rebuild the Baptist church of Tuscarora, N. Y. The other one burned down two years ago.

Mother is back again from the city. She stayed with us a few days and we had an enjoyable time. She is looking good.

The children are doing fine in school. Florence is in the fourth grade but has taken a little fifth grade work; she took examinations in five subjects of the fifth grade which were sent to her from Albany and passed them all.

I guess there isn't very much more about us that would interest anyone so will bring this letter to a close.

Looking forward to reading all the Cousins letters soon, I am, as ever, one of the Cousins.



Volume IV - Page 84
(Eleanor Campbell Family)

Copyright © 2013, 2017 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.