A News Clipping
From Phebe CAMPBELL Hoyt's Scrapbook,
Undated, Prob. Feb. 1897 from the Elkland Journal

Transcribed by her great-grandson, Wm. Thompson, Mar. 29, 2012

A Sketch of the Late A. W. Lugg.

    Mr. Anthony W. Lugg, who died quite suddenly at Knoxville on the 20th ultimo, was a leading business man in the Cowanesque Valley for many years. He had been as well as usual, and on the morning of his death he arose and attended to the fires in the home. Soon after this he complained of a pain in the region of his heart and lay down upon a couch and died in about 15 minutes.
    The funeral was held at Knoxville last week Monday, and the remains were taken to Nelson for internment.
    Mr. Lugg some time before his death prepared a sketch of his life and requested its publication after his death. It being concise and interesting, we copy it from the Knoxville Courier.
    "I, Anthony W. Lugg, was born in the town of Bisley, Gloucestershire, England, August 31, 1825, and immigrated with my parents in 1830. We arrived in New York city in July, from whence we journeyed to Beecher's Island, now known as Nelson. At the time, my parents settled on a farm then owned by James Campbell, now owned by Philo Stevens. In May, 1831, my parents returned to Gloucestershire, England, with a family of five children, where they remained for two years, and in May, 1833, returned to the United States. Sailing from Liverpool and arriving in New York in the month of July, we continued our journey to Painted Post, N. Y. My father, Charles Lugg, bought a farm of Arthur H. Erwin on the west side of the Conhocton [sic] river, and lived there about two months and sold out and moved again to Beecher's Island. My father then bought a farm about one mile south of Nelson. Here my father cleared a farm of two hundred acres. I remained on the farm with my father until twenty-five years of age, when I married to Ann E. Seely, daughter of Nathaniel Seely of Osceola.
    "After my marriage, I moved to a small farm which I got of my father, and which was west of my father's land. Here I remained about five years, when my health failed. I then went into partnership with Morgan Seely and James Bebe, and we began mercantile business at Nelson in 1855. In two years Mr. Seely and myself purchased the interest of James Bebe, and I remained in partnership with Morgan Seely for about twenty five years.
    "In the fall of 1877 I went to California for my health and returned in the spring of 1878 and enjoyed fair health for about four years, when my health failed and I went to California the second time, and remained there till spring returning with my health much improved. Upon my return I occupied the farm formerly owned by my father and where he lived for over forty years. After remaining upon the old homestead for about four years, I purchased a store of E. B. Phillips, at Knoxville, and went into the mercantile business in March 1886, with my son, Charles H. Lugg, and two years thereafter A. Waldo Lugg, having attained his majority, was made a member of the firm, and thus it has continued."

Copyright 2012 by Wm. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.

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