A News Clipping
From  Phebe CAMPBELL Hoyt's Scrapbook,
Undated, Prob. 1897 from the Elkland Journal

  Transcribed by her great-grandson, Wm. Thompson, Mar. 29, 2012


    NELSON, NOV. 24.---After long and earnest discussion by the Roop Club of this place, it has been decided to render Harriet Beecher Stowe's great comedy, "Uncle Tom's Cabin," sometime during the winter, for the benefit of the Klondike fund. It was first intended by this talented organization to entertain with "As You Like It;" but the fact that we have in our midst a gentleman who had large experience on the road with Stetson's Original Uncle Tom's Cabin troupe, and the said gentleman offering his services as instructor for the privilege of playing "Gumption Cute," the majority reluctantly concluded to put "Uncle Tom's Cabin" on the board. A few only of the cast have yet been  assigned. Those who will positively appear are: Frank Elliott as Gumption Cute and instructor; Walter Loop as St. Clair; J. D. Campbell as Uncle Tom, F. E. Selph as Marks the Lawyer;  Ray Baker as Legree---(he will borrow his dogs from Fred Hammond of Elkland). There are so many that want to take the part of Eva, Miss Ophelia and Topsy that undoubtedly there will have to be two Topsy's and two Miss Ophelia's, as also numbers will necessitate two Marks the Lawyers. Without doubt this will be the greatest treat ever given the people of this village and vicinity. Should everything come to pass as hoped, no doubt Elkland, Knoxville, Westfield and probably Elmira and Corning will offer this aggregation great inducements to appear in those towns. Mr. Elliot is entirely competent to carry the matter through to a successful end, and unless our citizens get the idea too thoroughly into their heads that this is only a scheme to raise money to defray the expenses of some of the boys to the Alaska gold fields, a great crowd will greet them each and every night.

Copyright 2012 by Wm. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.

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