Campbells of Nelson, PA

Nelson, Pa.      Aug. 20, 1914

Campbell Reunion Society met on the High School Grounds Aug. 20th for the twenty-first annual reunion.

Greetings were exchanged by the friends and relatives until 1 o'clock when the usual good dinner which was served.

All then assembled at the Odd Fellow's Hall on account of rain where a very good program was given. Mrs. M. B. Seely read reminiscences by Aunt Jane Tubbs. These were very interesting and were enjoyed by all. Mrs. Harry Kemp gave a very good reading. Mrs. Will Monroe proved her loyalty to the Clan by giving a talk in which she urged all members to be present at each and every Reunion. We wish the absent members might have heard it. Letters were read from a number of absent friends.

About one-hundred were present. The meeting was adjourned earlier than usual because of a hard storm. Although the weather was not as favorable as usual all reported an excellent time.

Officers elected for 1915
President J. E. Hazlett - Nelson, Pa.
Vice President E.C. Blackwell - "    "
Secretary Jim Parks - Harrison Valley, Pa.
Treasurer Hugh Ellison - Elkland

A collection 25¢ from each qas taken to pay expenses.

Clyde W. Campbell Sec'y.

1. Words by Mabel Shipman Shaw. Sung to the tune of "Marching Through Georgia."

2. Probably Dr. Charles Walter Hazlett.

3. John McCana White, a minister from Elkland, PA.

4. In 1944 renamed Coos Bay.

5. Not sure which daughter this refers to.

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