Campbells of Nelson, PA

Rec'd Aug 24, 1922 collection       8.85
Cash on hand                                1.87
                   Total                      $10.72
Bills-Mrs. Hall for washing dishes 1.50
I.O.O.F.                                         5.00
Invitations                                     4.10
                                   Total         10.00
Cash on hand                                 $.12
Collection Aug 16, 1923                 8.00
Total                                             $8.12
Bills -- Aug 1924
Paid-Mrs. Taft for washing dishes $1.50
I.O.O.F. Hall                                   $5.00
Invitations for 1924                         2.50
                          Amt due               $ .88
Aug. 16 1923

The Thirty-First Annual Reunion of the Campbell Family was held in the Odd Fellows Hall at Nelson Aug 16, 1923. About seventy five members were present.

Meeting was called to order by Pres. B. J. Kemp followed by singing Campbell Reunion Song1. Mrs. Helen Wilson presiding at piano. Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

Sam Seely was elected Pres. for incoming year, Mrs. Sam Seely was elected Secretary and Treasurer.

Remarks by Mrs. Ann Owlett, Mrs. Stella Wilbur read a very interesting letter from Chas. Congdon of his travels in California,2 Llewellyn Shaw gave a very pleasing story, Harry Kemp gave a talk recalling the early lives of the Campbells and Mark Seely quoted a noted poem to us.

Signed by Sec
Helen Kemp

1. Mabel Shipman Shaw wrote the words.

2. We don't have his letter to Stella. But you can read about his trip at 1923 CCC letter.

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