Elmira Heights, N. Y.,
  June 12, 1923.

Dear Cousins:-

You will wonder what I am doing so far away from home [Nelson, PA]. Well, it is a case of had to. I have been suffering for some time with my feet and ankles. So I persuaded Anna Owlett to come and take care of Aunt Eunice [LOOP] for a week or two and I came home with [my daughter] Treva [HOOKER Hazlett], and here I am with my ankles strapped so tightly that I can hardly take a step and am not feeling very well. However, a few days of rest will probably fix me up so I can return to my job. I have not visited Treva since the time of Jabe Buck’s death [1921] and then only for a few hours, and it will be two years this fall since I visited Eva,- but they come home as often as they can.

Junior Hills, Eva’s son, five years old, has had measles and pneumonia and is not real well yet. Treva’s two babies, six and three and a half, came to Nelson and stayed with me while Treva went to Mansfield [Normal School--- Treva and Jessica HOYT Thompson were in the class of 1913] for Commencement, where she had a pleasant week with Cousin Mary Shipman and family. Guess this will do for family history.

It will be wonderful to read the letters from all the Cousins and I am sure in these busy days, we could never find time to write to each one separately. Am also sure that there is no family of Cousins on earth with the feeling of love and affection for each other that we have. "With all our faults" we are bound together by strong ties and what could we ask for in this life,- more?

I just want to thank Cousin Will Selph for his inspiration, and hope that we shall all live to enjoy many of these letters.

As I am not feeling real good, will not write any more.



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(Maria Campbell Family)

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