Foto of Ed, Eva & Junior Hills

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   Photo of

Edward H. Hills   (Left)
Eva Hooker Hills  (Right)
Edward H. Hills, Jr. (Center)

  Taken Summer of 1923

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301 Floral Avenue,

Johnson City, N.Y.,

October 5th, 1923.

Dear Campbell Cousins,? First, Second, Third, etc. :-

I feel very proud to be asked to contribute a letter to the Campbell Cousins Correspondence. It was a grand idea of Cousin Will Selph's to get us in touch by letter, with all the large number belonging to the Campbell Clan.

We live in Johnson City; N. Y. (near Binghamton), in "The Valley of Fair Play". Have been married nine years on Armistice Day, so we celebrate twice that day.

     Edward Harrison Hills, Jr. will be six years old on next New Years Day. He is in "A" Kindergarten1.

My husband is the leather buyer for five of Endicott?Johnson Shoe Factories. He is in the leather markets in the East several times each year. Last year, I drove with him on one trip to Philadelphia and visited Cousin Myra Buck Seiders at Wenonah, N. J.

Endicott and Johnson City are the homes of the largest shoe factories under one head in the world. There are over 16,000 employees making 125,000 pairs of shoes a day. Eighty per cent of the population of each town are shoe workers.

We have free privileges of Libraries, Maternity Hospitals, Swimming?pools, Open?air Markets, Workers' Stores, Parks, a Race?track, Club Houses for National Organizations, Medical Centers, Schools, and Fire Departments. All of which are

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1. At that time Binghamton & Johnson City schools allowed students to either begin a grade in Sept. and complete it in June; or to begin a grade in January and complete it in the following January. The first semester, whether Fall or Spring was "A", and the 2nd semester was "B")- wbt


maintained by the Endicott?Johnson Corporation. Several thousand dwellings have been built and sold at cost to workers on monthly payment plans. Dining rooms are connected with the factories where the workers can eat a good meal for fifteen cents.

Last week the factories were closed two days for the Binghamton Fair, so we drove to Nelson and visited Mama. It is such a pleasure to go home and we always come back loaded with all the good things a garden grows. It is true Mama's heart is bigger than she is.

On our way home, we stopped at Treva's, in Elmira Heights, and found her enjoying the music from a new "Brunswick".

I am looking forward to the October Report as I know it is going to be splendid. The photographs of so many Cousins, some of whom we have never seen, will keep us busy during the winter studying their faces.


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(Maria Campbell Family)

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