Foto of Stella Wilbur & Junior Hills

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Photo of

Stella Wilbur

 (Grandson) Junior Hills

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Nelson, Pa.,
October 3, 1923.

Dear Cousins:
     Here we are again and I am sure that all will agree that the Campbell Cousins Correspondence has proven far more interesting than we had anticipated, not only to us Cousins, ­but every one who has seen the book and read the letters think they are wonderful,‑ and, right here I want to say that we ought to be prompt with our letters and not compel Cousin Will Selph to have to write to each one three or four times.
    We had a delightful day for our Cousins' Dinner, and it was a very pleasant surprise to meet Cousin Helen Congdon. Each year brings some surprises, ‑ and next year will probably be better still, when we meet at Marshalls Falls [Monroe Co., PA home of Cousin Chas. Congdon for next Cousins Dinner-wbt]. I think if we keep going we will meet with Tommy and Frank and Ed and Em Congdon yet. Here's hoping we do.
     I cannot write about a pleasant vacation or trips of any sort, although I have had a few short auto rides and if I weren't so "on killing" tired, as Aunt Lib used to say, would feel fairly well.
     Eva and Ed were here for the week end and that always cheers me up.
     I am looking forward with pleasure for the letters, and I hope they will be full of stories and anecdotes of Grandmother Campbell and the older ones. I cannot remember so very well, but I wonder if there are any that remember how we younger ones used to play out in the woodshed while the older ones were eating,‑ I suppose a Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner? ‑ I can see Dell, Herbie, Joe Hoyt, Jessie and Willie, and others of that age. It does not seem so long ago either.
     Well I know that we shall have some interesting letters this time and so will bring mine to a close.

With love to all the Cousins,


- Report No. 2 - Page 9 -

(Maria Campbell Family)

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