Deerwood, Minn.,
October 5, 1923.

Dear Cousins:

When Mother received the Campbell Cousins Correspondence book last June, she brought it up here to Deerwood for me to see. The first thing I thought of when I commenced reading the letters, was ‑ My How Pa would enjoy reading these letters! If it had only have been God's will to have left him here with us an this earth for just on, more year, I am sure now, at this time, he would have been back there in Pennsylvania, shaking hands with all you Cousins. But God's way is the best way even though we cannot understand. And as Cousin Mary Shipman says in her letter written last June, some day in the great beyond there will be a great gathering of Campbell Cousins and God grant that we may all answer to the roll call. There are several of Pa's Uncles and Aunts and Cousins who at different times visited us on the farm. Some of them have been called away to their Heavenly home, and some of them are still with us and though it may be most impossible for us to see each other again upon this earth, it is surely going to be nice to read their letters.

     I enjoy reading Cousin Ed Congdon's letter,‑ have read it several times. Wish I could see them all again [Carrie knew the Congdons from when they lived in Brainerd, MN - wbt]. I hope Georgia and Lee will both send letters and pictures. Please do not be disappointed in not receiving an individual picture of my family for this report, but just remember that I have not had my book yet scarcely a month, and I decided if I tried to rush things to have some pictures ready I might not get good ones and I'd hesitate to send them, and finally make a failure of it all. Mother is sending a family group picture where Pa is with us and I know you will all be glad to have a picture where he can be included.

    I fear I am making my letter a little too lengthy. I can almost hear Cousin Will Selph's typewriter clicking away copying all these letters. He'll be apt to draw many a long breath before he gets through. I am going to sit back now and fold my arms and wait until November 1st, when all the Cousins' letters will come in a big package. I am afraid a great many dishes will go unwashed until all those letters are read and I dare say mine will not be the only ones. Next April 15th, I promise to continue this letter and tell you more about my home. I don't dare take room to write any more this time.

    With kind regards to all the Cousins,


(For photo, see page 4 ‑ Standing, Center).

- Report No. 2 - Page 14 -

(Elizabeth Campbell Family)

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