Foto of Blanchard Family

            * * * * *

            Photo of

Emily S. Blanchard  -     (Seated Left)
Charles R. Blanchard-     (Seated Right)
Charles R. Blanchard, Jr. (Standing)
Marcus S. Blanchard -     (Seated-Cemter)

        Taken Summer 1923

            * * * * *
37 Pollock Street,
Pittsfield, Mass.,
October 12, 1923.

Dear Cousins:

     I received Volume I of the Campbell Cousins Correspondence some time ago and have thoroughly enjoyed reading the letters. A letter of mine will not be much of an addition, but it will entitle me to hear from all the Cousins, and you who live far away from your friends, know what a treat that will be.
     Our vacation was spent in Tioga County; of course, and we made an effort to see all the relatives we could, but one cannot do a great deal in that length of time.
     We have two boys, Charles, Jr. and Marcus Seely, and they are live wires. I feel, most of the time, as though I were being blown about by a cyclone.
     While we were in Osceola, Father and Uncle Jud entertained us by telling some of the things they did in their boyhood days. I was greatly amused at some of the things and decided that Father must have been a "Reglar Fellar" despite his assertions to the contrary. It also occurred to me that Marcus, his namesake and our youngest, has more of his grandfather's characteristics, than we realized.
     My husband, Charles Blanchard, has a responsible position with the General Electric Company here in Pittsfield.
     We are very pleasantly located here, but wish we were not so far from Tioga County.
    I am eagerly awaiting the coming of the next report and think we should give Cousin Will "Three Rousing Cheers".

            With love to all the Cousins, I am,

                                Very sincerely,

                                    COUSIN EMILY S. BLANCHARD.

- Report No. 2 - Page 35 -

(Mary Ann Campbell Family)

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