521 Robinson Building,

Elmira, N. Y.

October 17, 1923.

Dear Cousin Will:-

I acknowledge the receipt of your recent letters requesting news from our branch of the family, together with photographs. I am afraid that I do not have any photographs which would be appropriate for your use.

I think the idea of the "Campbell Cousins Correspondence" is very good and think that we will all benefit by getting acquainted with our relations. Personally, I think it would be a fine thing if this exchange of letters would give us more of the early history of out family. Surely a great many remember some of the tales which have been handed down concerning the trials and tribulations of our pioneer ancestors. I, myself, have always been very anxious to know more about exactly where the Campbells first came from. We know, in a general way, that our Great Grandfather lived in Scotland, then moved over into Ireland and then came to this country. Cannot some of us tell exactly what town he came from in Scotland?

I was married to Marjorie B. Eldredge of this City on October 25, 1920 and now have two boys, George Wallace Buck, born January 5, 1922 and Joseph Campbell Buck, born June 27, 1923. I am a lawyer and manage to keep very busy.

We will always be glad to see any of the Cousins whenever they are in Elmira.

Yours very truly,

- Report No. 2 - Page 66 -

(Joseph Campbell Family)

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