56 Sherwood Street,

Mansfield, Pa.

October 14, 1923.

Dear Cousins:-

When the first book of letters came I read it through to the end before I laid it down and it was such a treat to hear from so many all at once. We are looking forward to receiving the new letters with even greater pleasure as so many others will be added. The pictures too will be fine.

I wish it might have been possible for all of you to have attended the "Cousins' Dinner", which we had the pleasure of having at our house this year, on September 28th. The day was perfect and nearly every one came in cars.

We were all very glad to have with us, for the first time, Cousin Helen Congdon of Tacoma and felt that we had always known her.

Our next annual gathering is to be with Cousin Charles Congdon and family at their summer home, near the Delaware Water Gap.

Instead of writing a long letter this time, I thought perhaps you might be interested to know who was here for the "Cousins' Dinner", so am sending the list of names on separate page. 

Llewelyn and Wilford join in love to you all.


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(William Campbell Family)


Present at Cousins Dinner -

Mansfield, Pa.

October 26, 1923


Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Seely

Mr. and Mrs. Jud D. Seely

Mr. and Mrs. Sam A. Seely

Mrs. Ada Crandall

Mrs. Stella Wilbur

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Owlett

Mr. John Owlett

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mowrey

Miss Florence Mowrey

Mr. Floyd Doane [Next door neighbor of Chas. & Laura Mowrey. Florence & Floyd Doan, Jr. were both age 9]

Mr. Chas. H. Congdon

Mrs. Emma Buck

Mrs. Helen Congdon

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Blackwell [a Lugg & Blackwell descendant]

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Ellison

Miss Thelma Ellison

Mr. Enoch Blackwell [probably]

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boller

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cady

Mrs. Minnie Clark

Mr. and Mrs. John Carey

Mr. John Carey, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John Shipman [Not one of the "First Cousins", but Mrs. Delphine MERRITT Shipman was a Hazlett, and John Shipman was the brother-in-law of Mary CAMPBELL Shipman below]

Mrs. Aggie Holcombe [sister of John Shipman]

Mr. William Shipman [brother of John Shipman]

Mrs. Frances Hoyt

Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Horton

Mrs. Mary Shipman

Mrs. Helen Wilson

Mr. Richard Wilson

Mr. George Robert Wilson

Mr. Wilford Shaw

Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Shaw

* * * * *

Mrs. Mary Shipman

Mrs. Helen Wilson

Mr. Richard Wilson

Mr. George Robert Wilson

Mr. Wilford Shaw

Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Shaw

* * * * *

Photo of

Photo of

Mable Shipman Shaw (Left)

Llewellyn B. Shaw (Centre)

Wilford Shaw (Right)

Taken October, 1923

* * * * *

[photo to be added ASAP]

* * * * *

Richard Lewis Wilson (Left)

Helen Shipman Wilson (Centre)

George Robert Wilson (Rignt)

Taken October, 1923

[photo to be added ASAP]

* * * * *

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(William Campbell Family)

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