Syracuse, N. Y.,

October 27, 1923.

Dear Cousins:-

What a pleasure it is going to be to have my visit with you all while sitting in the car on this glorious sunshiny afternoon. I am waiting for Mr. Carey to finish his business at the Union Structural Steel Plant.

We came to Syracuse this morning from Elmira, a distance of ninety-two miles. With our good New York State roads it makes a very enjoyable trip. The hill sides are still gorgeous with autumn coloring, and as we went over the hills and through the valleys it all seemed so wonderful that I felt thankful to  be living.

I think that you all know that on January 6, 1920, I married my next door neighbor. He has one son, John B. Jr., who lives with his grandmother.

We have spent a greater part of the time in Pittsburgh, Pa., and the past year in Buffalo where Mr. Carey is located. Just at present we have opened up our home at 439 West Clinton Street, Elmira, and will be here until after Christmas.

Pearl was married on August 27th, 1923 to Dr. Frederick H. Wise, of Auburn, N.Y. (a brother of her first husband). They are nicely settled in a new home. Henry thinks his Uncle makes a fine "daddy".

Joseph W. Buck was graduated from Princeton in 1913,- went to law school and was admitted to the bar two years later. He has been very successful. On October 25, 1920 he was married to Marjorie Eldridge. They have two fine boys,- George Wallace and Joseph Campbell.

Ruth C. Buck was graduated from Wellesley College in 1917. The following October she was married to William H. Mandeville, who was a Captain in the 304th Field Artillery at the time. While he was in France, William H. Mandeville, Jr. was born. On Aug 20, 1922, David Campbell Mandeville was born. William is also a successful lawyer. 

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(Joseph Campbell Family)


Jerome C. Buck was graduated from Princeton this last June,- 1923. He is now in Buffalo connected with a Bond Investment Company. He expects to be located in Elmira part of the year.

I want to you all to know how much I have enjoyed the Cousins letters. It has brought to my mind many pleasant memories of you all.

With kindest regards from us all to you and your family,

It was an unexpected pleasure to meet Cousin Helen Congdon on the train. I should certainly have enjoyed a visit with her at our home.

I want you all to know that our home is always open to you. I am always glad to hear Cousin Charlie Congdon's voice on the phone as I know then that he will run in between trains and we can have a little chat.

With sincere good wishes for your health and happiness,

Love to you all,

439 Clinton Street

Elmira, New York

* * * * *

Photo [to be added ASAP] of

John B. Carey

Grace B. Carey

Taken, October, 1923

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(Joseph Campbell Family)

Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2012 Tom Zurflieh and Wm. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.