Mission Ridge Road,

Santa Barbara, Calif.

September 27, 1923.

Dear Cousin Will:-

I hope you will pardon our delay in acknowledging receipt of your letters and of the very good looking book for correspondence. They arrived when we were in the process of moving and we are just now getting back to normal living.

This Correspondence Club idea is splendid and you certainly deserve a lot of credit for getting it up. In a very few days I am going to get off a letter to the Cousins. Hope you don't mind my writing it instead of Bernice; she is really too busy for any personal correspondence. She is very much a "business woman" and when she gets home at night she has to relax.

And the pictures,-- it just happens we haven't any of the three of us [Louise, Bernice, and their mother, who was living with them most of the time to assist a convalescing Louise-wbt] together. Ever since your letters came we have intended to have some taken but Sundays are the only days we are together and the last two have been cloudy. However, we will make another attempt and maybe they will reach you in time.

With kindest regards from us all to you and your family,


(Regular Cousins Letter

and photo delayed, so

am including a personal


        - Secretary -

- Report No. 2 - Page 69 -

(Sarah Campbell Family)

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