Campbell Cousins Correspondence

211 Tenth Street, N.E.,

Washington, D.C.,

March 25, 1925.

My dear Cousins:

Since writing the last letter to the Campbell Cousins Club, many changes have come to us.

During the past year it has been our very great pleasure to have a short visit from some of the Cousins. In October Cousin Carrie Campbell paid her first visit to Washington, and stopped with us for ten days. She was a wonderful house guest, and proved herself to be a silver lining to the cloud that was hovering over our house. We enjoyed her stay to the fullest extent, and were sorry indeed when the "Goodbyes" were said. On November fifteenth we were delighted to have Cousins Lish and Kate Horton stop with us on their way to St. Petersburg. With them came a guest who spent four months with us.

Aunt Anna Owlett, after the death of Uncle Andrew, was prevailed upon to pay us a visit. She came into our home and our lives as a ministering angel, when we needed her more than ever before. While there were many things to mar our happiness, we did some sightseeing, and had many pleasant times together, and we were sorry to say "Goodbye", when she was obliged to go home.

During Aunt Anna's stay we had a short visit from Cousins Ed and -m Congdon, who were also on their way to St. Petersburg. We are hoping for a longer visit with all of the cousins who went south when they fly1 north again.

After an illness of eight months, our good Mother went Home2 February third. Cousin Will Selph came to Washington for the funeral, and it was surely a great comfort to have him and Aunt Anna with us at that time.

It has been a source of great consolation to us to receive so much attention from Father's kin. They have all shown their love and loyalty to Mother and her family through the years that we have been without him, and the recent added sorrow has only emphasized their kindness to us all.

1. "Fly" is being used figuratively, as in migrating birds. This was before the term "snowbirds" had been coined. Commercial aviation was in it's infancy. Not till the Air Commerce Act of 1926, did Congress address licensing of pilots and aircraft; and establishing navigation aids and air routes.

2. Died.

Volume III - Page 8
(Eleanor Campbell Family)

When at last Aunt Anna felt that she must turn toward home, Cousin Will and Edith Selph invited her to visit them in Maplewood. I will not infringe upon the privilege of the others in telling their part of that chapter, but I must add this much to my letter. They also invited me to accompany her to New York and Maplewood. So, after waiting in Washington to see President Coolidge inaugurated on March seventh, we sallied forth. Those of you who have visited Cousins Will and Edith and Mother Loder do not need to be told of their wonderful hospitality, but for the benefit of the Cousins who have not enjoyed this pleasure, I must say that they have missed a rare treat. Our time was filled with one pleasant event followed by another in rapid succession.

We found that Cousins George and Anna Buck and their two splendid boys had been invited for dinner and the evening. Both were enjoyed immensely, then and afterward when they whisked me off to their home in Madison for the night and following Sunday, returning me to Maplewood in the evening. This added greatly to my pleasant visit. The New Jersey Cousins are surely wonderful entertainers, and I came home greatly refreshed by my trip.

While we have had letters from nearly everyone of the Campbell Cousins proper3 within the past two months, and many from the third generation4, we shall await with much pleasure the coming of the next edition of the Campbell Cousins Correspondence Club.

My husband and son5 join in very best wishes to the Cousins,

3. That is, the 1st cousins, the grandchildren of Joseph and Ann Clinch Campbell.

4.The 2nd cousins. Great-grandchildren of Joseph and Ann Clinch Campbell.

5. Austin was her step-son.

Very sincerely yours,


Volume III - Page 9
(Eleanor Campbell Family)

Utilizing Sandy Buck Garrett's 2012 transcription.
Copyright © 2013, 2021 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.