211 - 10th Street, N.E.,

Washington, D. C.,

March 30, 1925.

Dear Cousins and All:

The time has arrived for us to contribute to our next Cousin's letter. Last year at this time we were very busy at home getting things ready for the books, watching each mail as it came for new letters, and reading them all with a great deal of enjoyment.

Cousin Will and Roswell have both urged us to be prompt, and I am going to do my small part this year and be on time.

I want to take this opportunity to thank Cousin George Buck for assuming the responsibility of compiling the books this year. Owing to the loss of our good mother it did not seem possible for us to do the work at this time.

It is very hard for us to get back into the regular routine of every day life since our family circle has been broken; but we are confident that mother is much happier now and that there has been a reunion of loved ones in the Better Land.

Sister has already written her letter and mailed it and she has covered, I think, all the items that would interest our good cousins.

We have so much enjoyed the visits from several cousins, and especially the many weeks that Aunt Anna Owlett spent with us. We hope that more of the cousins will be able to visit us in the future.

With best wishes to all,



Volume III - Page 22
(Eleanor Campbell Family)

Utilizing Sandy Buck Garrett's 2012 transcription.
Copyright © 2013 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.