Brainerd, Minn.,

  April 6, 1925.

Dear Cousins:

I am a little late with my letter, but hope you will excuse me. Last summer we had a busy summer and enjoyed good crops. Have had quite a mild winter with but little snow. Have driven our Ford all winter when we went anywhere. The farmers are busy seeding. Some are nearly though.

Mary is home for her Easter vacation, and you may believe we are happy when she is home. She is teaching in Minneapolis this year. I visited her last November and while there had the pleasure of seeing Cousin Charlie Congdon. He has been at our home twice this last year, and we surely enjoyed his visits. He never stays long enough, but I won't say anything if he will come often. I just wish some of the others of you cousins would drop in and see us. Our latch string is hanging out1 for all of you dear Campbell Cousins.

At Mr. and Mrs. Frank Congdon's2 golden wedding last fall I met a lady from Marinette, Wisconsin, who said she knew Cousin Will Campbell and his family.

Yesterday was Palm Sunday and we asked Mr. and Mrs. Frank Congdon to go to church with us, and then we all went up to my daughter Carrie's for dinner. We surely enjoyed the dinner. It was Irma's birthday and there was a cake with sixteen candles on it to be cut to go with the ice cream. We all enjoyed the afternoon visiting. Most of the time we talked about the Campbells. I guess most of you know who Frank Congdon is, and Mrs. Congdon was Lydia Rathbon3.

I was surely grieved to hear of the deaths of the three cousins. When I got word of Jennie Bosard's death I got my book and read her letter of last year.

Well, I think I'd better quit for this time. I hope some day to come to a Cousins Dinner and meet you all.

Will close with love and best wishes for another year.

God bless you one and all,


1. Pioneer cabins did not have door knobs or locks. On the inside, there was a short bar, permanently fastened at one end, so that it could pivot. The other end was free to fall into a slot built to hold it securely and prevent someone outside from opening the door. In order to get back in when one left the house, a string was tied to the pivoting bar, and left hanging outside. To get back in the house, you just lifted the latch string.

2. Benjamin Franklin "Fraan" Congdon, b. 1853 in Nelson, d. June 20, 1925 in Brainerd, MN. He was a nephew of Benjamin Docray Congdon.

3. Lydia Ann RATHBUN Congdon was b. 1855 in Tioga Co., PA, d. 1939. She was a sister of Julia Rathbun Cady and of George Delivan Rathbone.

Volume III - Page 56
(Elizabeth Campbell Family)

Copyright ©2005, 2013 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.