R. F. D. #1,

Binghamton, New York,

March 29, 1925.

Dear Cousins:

It really doesn't seem possible that a year can have gone by since our last Cousins Letters. We have had a very busy and happy year. At the time of the Cousins Letters last year Walter and the youngsters1 were all ill.

Last fall we moved into the country, just a mile from city limits2. It's a wonderful place for the youngsters and we all like it here very much. The youngsters are much stronger and I think Walter is somewhat better. He goes back and forth to work in his "Lizzie"3 every day and spends all his spare time out of doors. He is foreman in the shop and doing very well at his work.

I have taught the district school here this winter. It is just across the road from our house. I have about thirty pupils of five grades and have found it very, very interesting. As there is no church here the school plays an unusually important part in the community. My Scotch-Presbyterian upbringing combined with my Goodrich "preacher" inheritance have made it impossible for me to live in a community without a Sunday School, so I am having Sunday School here at our house every Sunday A.M. I wish you could have seen the nice little session that we have just had. All the youngsters in the district, including two Catholics, were here. I am rather an amateur along this line, so if anyone has any ideas that may help out, send them along. I am also planning to start a Parent-Teacher Association in the last part of this month. Besides this, I have been taking courses in nutrition and millinery in the city this winter. So, you see I haven't had time to develop much of a "complex."

Tom and Anne Betty come to my school, of course, and think it great fun. Henry gets more cunning4 every day and is a very sturdy little chap. Mother was here for five weeks in the fall and Auntie for a week. At present Mother is at Osceola where she has been nearly all winter because of Grandma Goodrich's illness.

Was so sorry to hear of Cousin Jennie's death and also of Ross Van Dusen's sudden death which seemed such a very sad thing. I wish to extend my sympathy to both families as well as to Cousin Anne Owlett.

1. Walter, Jr., aka "Tom"; Anne; & Hank.

2. They lived in several "country" locations just outside Binghamton, but I think this was at Choconut, north of the city on the Stella New Ireland Rd. It later got a church.

3. Model T Ford.

4. In this case, 'cuter', rather than 'smarter'.

Volume III - Page 85
(Phoebe Campbell Family)

Mother, Isabelle, Betty and her children5 spent Easter vacation with us. Mother, Isabelle and Joe are still here. We have, of course, very much enjoyed being together.

Best wishes from Walter and me.


5. Joe and Dave Walker.

Volume III - Page 86
(Phoebe Campbell Family)

Utilizing Sandy Buck Garrett's 2013 transcription.
Copyright © 2013, 2014 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.