E. 129-18th Avenue, North,

St. Petersburg, Florida,

April 16, 1925.

Dear Campbell Cousins:

Here we are, most pleasantly located in the "Sunshine City" thanks to my Father! He has bought a beautiful home on the North Shore for us to live in, and "Mitch" is working in the office, trying to relieve Papa of some of his too numerous responsibilities; and besides doing that, not being able to divorce himself altogether from the theatrical world1, he is one-third owner and manager of a family motion picture venture. The other members of the firm are our brother-in-law, Curt, and Cousin Ford Pratt of Scranton, Pennsylvania. So far everything but an earthquake has happened to discourage the boys, but they have decided to keep trying until an earthquake comes.

We are enjoying our privilege of a warm climate. Have been bathing in the Gulf of Mexico today, and the boys, Bob, five and a half years old and Bud, four,--well you would simply have to see them to appreciate how much they enjoy it all. A world of sand and water just for playing!.

I expect that Mary and Papa have written just the only things I can think to say, but please don't mind, for we are all too busy enjoying ourselves to write everything.

Good bye and love to all,


1. Before leaving Rochester, NY, he owned several movie theaters. His movie enterprise in St. Pete, which was segregated then, was outdoor showings of movies, with chairs, for "colored people."

Volume III - Page 86
(William Campbell Family)

Utilizing Sandy Buck Garrett's 2013 transcription.
Copyright © 2013, 2014 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.