27 Pearl Street,

Rochester, N.Y.,

April 25, 1925.

Dear Cousins:

Since this is my first attempt at writing a "Cousins Letter " you will pardon me if it's a little longer than it should be and if I get too personal, but there are so few of you who know my family.

Lynn, the oldest of my little flock, has developed into a very fine young man, and with Donald, a true Campbell both in looks and actions, has shouldered the burdens of the family. The boys for the past two years have been pharmacist mates in the U. S. Navy and have acquired through hard study a considerable knowledge of medicine which has broadened them from boys into real men. Owing to the condition of my health during the past year and through necessity brought about by an injury, I had the boys come home through a special order discharge on the thirteenth of February, and we are all very happy together. Billy, who is thirteen, is a senior in the junior high school and doing splendid work. I have great expectations for Billy, as he learns very easily and is very studious.

I so often wondered when each new baby came why I was always sent boys, but God in His wisdom knew best. I do not forget dear little Betty who is such a darling, always so gentle and sweet, smoothing out the rough places and even now, although only eight years old, looking out for the needs of her brothers. She has been dangerously ill since Christmas with whooping cough in its severest form, and many times we feared each coughing spell would be the last, but she would look up and say "Mama dear, Jesus helped me through that one. I knew He would because I asked Him to." It's wonderful the faith children have.

We enjoyed our trip to Cousin Charlie's last fall to attend the Cousins Dinner, the first one I ever attended. Papa and I went with Brother Hugh and his wife. Papa is looking very well this spring and sends greetings to you all. I left Marshalls Falls for New York to see the boys who were located in the Naval Hospital at that time, and while I was there went to see Cousin Will and found Cousin Jennie, Stella and Alta there waiting for me to go out to lunch with them. Cousin Will surely is a wonderful entertainer. After

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luncheon we went to the six hundredth performance of The Ten Commandments which is the very best photo play I have ever attended, and I have seen some very good ones as I played for motion pictures in Washington, D.C. during the summer of 1919. Then we went out to Cousin Will's home in Maplewood1 where I was royally entertained. Then on Sunday morning Cousins Jennie, Alta, Will and I drove out to Madison1 where I staid [sic] all night with Cousins Anna and George, completing a most enjoyable trip which I look back upon with much pleasure.

Thanks, Cousin Will, for including me in this letter writing.

With kindest regards and best wishes to all,

Very sincerely,


1. NJ.

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(William Campbell Family)

Utilizing Sandy Buck Garrett's 2013 transcription.
Copyright © 2013, 2014 William B. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.