
54 Garfield Avenue,

Madison, New Jersey,

April 25, 1925.

Dear Cousins:

There is so much I should like to say that I scaree [sic] know where to begin. Our two boys keep us quite busy mending both clothes and body during the very strenuous baseball season. Saturday the first "real" game was played; and of course "we" were victorious. The team is called "The Highlanders"--not out of respect to the Campbells, as I at first thought, but because we live adjacent to the highest spot in Madison. School work is an awful bore during "this season", and the homework is done in an indifferent sort of way. This morning I found Donald's French book under his pillow. "His mind was on it", you see; but what he actually absorbed I do not know and dare not think. He is our fourteen year old and a regular fellow.

Friday Gordon came home very jubilant because he had gotten one hundred percent on an arithmetic test--most unusual! So I began to inquire into his sudden precocity and found there was only one question asked, and it happened he had taken the extreme trouble to inform himself prior to the examination on one point, and happened to draw the lucky card.

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(Sarah Campbell Family)

So, you see I am busy--not only at home, but also checking up ours as well as other people's children at school. How I do hope that some day before our grandchildren have children the human race of school teachers will have progressed enough to do away with examinations, and take the children for their real worth--educate instead of trying to make them imbibe a lot of information.

Our Parent-Teacher Association is a really live youngster. It succeeds in doing something for the community once in a while and always gets a fine write-up in the daily and weekly papers. Publicity counts for more than we realize. We have been trying to bring the "midway" of our County Fair within the law, and it's been a huge job to get the Fair Association's sanction to abolish the games of chance and other things that have an immoral influence. This action brought about a lot of criticism against our local carnivals, so it again fell upon us as parents to ask our Borough Council to reconsider and weigh the matters carefully before granting permits. When a request was made by one of the local organizations for a permit last week the Council voted four to two against granting the permit in spite of the Mayor's plea for carnivals.

Saturday, May second, we are to have a food sale and we hope to clear one hundred dollars. Thus Parent-Teacher Association(with a membership of two hundred) of which I am the President, with the Womans [sic] Club (with a membership of three hundred thirty) of which I am Program Committee Chairman, besides several other things keep me too busy to be on time with my "Cousins Letter"; but not too busy to be happy to see any of you any time.

We thoroughly enjoyed the short visits of several cousins during the year, and I hope that next year I may have the pleasure of meeting those whom I have nor met and meeting again those whom I have met before.



Volume III - Page 95
(Sarah Campbell Family)

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