Nelson, Pa.,

March 10, 1926.

Dear Cousins All:-

Last Spring when Cousin Will Selph sent us the C.C.C. Book, we were more than pleased; we simply devoured every word of it, and our boys Enoch and Preston enjoyed it as much as we.

For the sake of the Cousins who do not know just how we are Cousins, I will explain: Father Blackwell's own sister was Mother of the James Campbelll Family and his half sister was Mother of the Joseph Campbell Family.

We have had a long, cold and snowy winter, the first snow coming as early as October. Charles and I have wished many times that we were in the Sunny South, enjoying the sunshine and flowers with the Tommie and Frank, and the several other Cousins and friends who are spending the winter there. However, we are anxiously awaiting the warm Springtime.

Charlie, Ruth and I have been alone this winter. Ruth is so much company, also a lot of help to us.

Preston, our youngest son and wife, have just purchased my Father's home in Nelson, and are all moved there. We are delighted to have them so near. I can go home now whenever I feel inclined.

Enoch, our eldest son and family are living at Lawrenceville, Pa. They have lovely children whom I am proud to have call me Grandmother. Enoch Dellivan, the boy, was four the 15th of January, 1926, and Caroline Mae will be one year old the 16th of March, 1926, She is dear, and as some of the Cousins already know, is the first girl to be born in our family. The last time I went to Lawrenceville to see them Enoch and little Dellivan met me at the Railroad Station and Dellivan said, "Grandmother, I'm gong home with you and stay 'till we die." Enoch is doing very nicely and is planning to build a new home at Lawrenceville this summer.

We were so shocked over the tragic death of our friend and Cousin Phil Young. Our hearts go out in sympathy to his bereaved family. We are thinking of the pleasant hours spent in the home of our dear Cousins Lou and Phil.

We are anticipating a great treat in reading letters from a hundred Cousins this year, and I trust that not one of them will fail to respond. Let's all do all we can to help Cousin Will carry on this great work. As this is my very first appearance think I have said enough.

Very sincerely,


Volume IV- Page 7
(Special Letter)

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