Nelson, Pa.,

March 8, 1926.

Dear Cousins:-

Old Father Time is ever ready to remind us of things we are apt to neglect, -- and the Correspondence must not be neglected, as it seems to me like a continued story. I am looking forward to a lot of new correspondence this ear, - the more the merrier. Writing a letter is s small a thing to do in comparison with what we receive in return.

We have been very much at home the past winter nursing a dislocated shoulder which Alta received on October 30th, while riding with a man, who lost control of his car and tipped over; but it is slowly coming back to normal we hope. However, he has invented and had patented a non-skidding auto-chain; our rural mail-carrier is using a pair now. The roads are in a very icy condition and he is making the entier trip, whereas before, he was not able to do so and had to have help in some places. Alta wants t keep us all from skidding. Cousin Hugh Ellison tried them our too and he tells the same story.

Hugh, wife and daughters and ourselves were privileged again last summer to take our vacation in the beautiful Adirondacks. We certainly enjoyed the trip and drives while there; we were near a farmer from whom we could buy fresh milk, butter, vegetables, and strawberries, and with our fish and what we took with us we fared sumptuously. The only trouble with vacations is that they are too short, although ours included the month of June. We enjoyed the woods and birds, - especially the Whip-poor-wills, who visited us every evening. We visited a deer lick, -- something I had always heard Uncle George1 speak of, as he enjoyed hunting. Sometime I would like to go to the highest peak,- Mount Marcy.

We received Christmas Greetings from nearly all of the Cousins; was glad to be remembered.

With best wishes to all,



1. I'm not sure who "Uncle George" referred to. The first candidate that comes to mind is George Tubbs. Presumably the deer lick she was referring to was a naturally occurring salt deposit.

Volume IV- Page 8
(Julia Campbell Family)

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