#20 Altamont Court,

Morristown, N. J.

April 13th, 1926.

Dear Campbell Cousins:-

So many things have happened since last April, that I hardly know here I should begin.

I am writing from a brand new address this time; for, as you all know I was married November twenty-eighth, 1925, and my new home is in Morristown.

 Morristown is a very historical place, dating back to the time of George Washington. We have here an official George Washington's Headquarters which contains many interesting relics of Revolutionary times,- as some of the Cousins know who have visited this spot with us. The winter when Washington was located here was comparable to the one spent at Valley Forge; - it was so severe, The women from all the surrounding country towns knitting socks for soldiers as their bit.

Besides being historical Morristown, as a modern town, is not only a beautiful place but an interesting and busy one in which to live. It is just far enough outside of New Your City, - thirty miles - to offer attractions of its own. There are splendid concerts and lectures and entertainments of all sorts and good "Movies" to attend. There are five Protestant churches (I am now a member of the Methodist Episcopal church here) = and a fine library; so one's interests may be many and varied.

There are some beautiful estates in Morristown, located on the older streets, which give a certain fine character and prestige to the place Thee are also many newer streets with modern houses. Our home is located on one of the latter and we are certainly very, very happy in it.

I am the proud possessor of a couple of beautiful quilts which have come to me from certain members of my Campbell relations. One was sent to me when I was but five years old and had been put away until such a time as this. It was made by Aunt Jane Tubbs when she was about seventy-five years old, and is the Log Cabin pattern with a great deal of pink and black in it, so is is in my pink quest room. My blue guest room boasts the other coverlet which Cousins Anna Owlett and Stella Wilbur made for me for a wedding present. It was copied from a piece of quilt found in the mansion at Mount Vernon.

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(Julia Campbell Family)


Mentioning Mount Vernon takes me back in thought to Washington, D. C. which was the destination of our wedding trip. We stayed with the Snavelys where both Philip and I enjoyed ourselves immensley [sic]. Cousin Mary said that of all the people who have visited her we saw the most in our week's time. We feel that our trip is well worth remembering all our lives. Never before had either of us seen such fine buildings and institutions of National interest. I imagine it is particularly lovely there just now with the cherry blossoms in bloom.

Last year, at the close of college in June, I went with the Wheaton College delegation to the Y.W.C.A. Conference of the Eastern Women's Colleges held at Silver Bay on Lake George1. There were about seven hundred of us all told so you can imagine what a fine opportunity we had to become acquainted with new people. The general topics under discussion at the conference were: Education, Citizenship and Personal Betterment. We listened to very inspirational speakers at these meetings. Some of us had never visited Lake George and we were charmed with it. The scenery was most beautiful, with the green wooded mountains sloping down into the water. The side trip up to Fort Ticonderoga was most interesting and the hike we took up Black Mountain, the highest point on Lake George, - with a picnic supper at the close was surely a good one.

Quite naturally, the short time which elapsed between my homecoming at the end of June and my marriage in November was extra busy; for in the summer on is apt to take time for visiting and entertaining. Then, too, we attended the Cousins Dinner in October, - my first, - where we certainly enjoyed ourselves.

Philip, my husband, joins in wishing all our Cousins good health and a prosperous year, - for I imagine that length of time will pass before we shall hear from some of you again.

Most sincerely yours,


1. In the 1970s I attended a conference at that facility and was able to bring my wife and children. Somewhat rustic, but every bit as beautiful as Doris says.

Volume IV - Page 75
(Julia Campbell Family)

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