Medina, New York, R #1,

April 23rd, 1926.

Dear Cousins:-

The time has nearly expired and here I am with nothing to say, so how can I write. You have heard of people waiting until the last day in the afternoon and it is nearly the last afternoon of the week, "that's me".

We did not have a very cold winter and not so much snow compared with other winters but we have had a very late cold Spring; and are just beginning to have some warm days. It makes one think of house cleaning.

My husband and I are alone now that our eldest son is married and lives in Buffalo. The other son is in Buffalo also and it falls on me to be chore boy.

I have six hens and nearly every day get half a dozen eggs. How's that?

The farmers have just begun to spray their orchards; it has been so cold, only just last week we had a heavy ice store [storm?]; it lasted only a few hours.

We have not been to Nelson, since last October, so do not know much about what is going on down there. I have not driven the car so far alone but am going to try it when I am sure the Pennsylvania mud is dried up. Mother writes that the roads are terrible.1

We are living in the same place as last year; if any of the Cousins happen to be up this way would be glad to see them.

Hoping there will be a goodly number of letters this year and that they have not all been as slow as I have been, I am



Volume IV - Page 94
(Eleanor Campbell Family)

1. In 1926, except for within cities, few roads were paved -- dirt road were the rule, not the exception. Sticky mud and deep ruts made travel difficult for those on horseback, very difficult for horsed drawn vehicles, and almost impossible for autos.

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