Wenona, N. J.,

April 24, 1926.

Dear Cousins:-

I have put off writing this letter hoping for time to compose my thoughts properly and inspiration for the thoughts but I can't see that I am any better off than I was a month ago. I suppose spring is a good time for these letters for it gives an opportunity for a good brain house cleaning. My brain is so far from being cluttered with thoughts, however, there is nothing worth while to clean out.

This past year has been quite uneventful with us. We have just kept on in the race to find our who wins, the collectors, or we, most of the time it is about fifty-fifty.1

Mother spent the summer with George and me last year and we are hoping that she will be down this year. While she was with us we made the trip to Gettysburg one day. Those of you who have been there know what a wonderful trip it is. We spent some time at the Pennsylvania Monument hunting the Campbells who had taken part in that battle. Mother will probably tell you how she "struck up" an acquaintence with a man who knew Cousin Tommy and kept his car in the Campbell Garage I believe.

Betty - now eight years - is in school every day. She is finishing Third Grade. Last year she was neither absent or tardy once but this year she was sick two days. Billy - now three years - is a true Scotchman. He always says "dinna" for did not; puts his hands behind him as I've seen so many of the older men do - Uncle Charlie and Uncle Ed both do - Uncle John Campbell used to.

I suppose you all know of the great and much talked about Sesqui Centenial to be held in Philadelphia this summer. It seemed a hard fight to get the thing under way but now it it is really to be, progress is amazingly rapid. President Coolidge is to be here July 5th, I believe, and while June was to have been the official opening date the President's visit will mark the real opening. When you plan to visit the Fair don't forget that we live near and shall be more than glad to see you. The great bridge2 will then be open so if you have your car the drive will be nothing - and the train service is always good.

Trusting that you all had a successful and happy year and that the coming one will be even more successful and happy, we are,

Most cordially,


Volume IV - Page 95
(Sarah Campbell Family)

1. Collectors??? Her husband owned a hardware store.

2. The Benjamin Franklin Bridge, originally called "The Delaware River Bridge."

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