Campbells of Nelson, PA

Aug 23 '17

The 24th1 Annual gathering of the Campbell Clan was held at Nelson - seventy registering.

The minutes of the 1916 were read and approved.

All joined in singing the Campbell reunion song2 after which a collection for the expenses was taken resulting in $4.43. The expenses of the reunion was 3.35 for invitations and 40¢ for plates making  making a total of $3.75 leaving a balance of 68¢.

Very Interesting talks were were given by Mr. Jud Seely - Mrs. M. B. Seely - Mrs. W. A. Monroe - Mrs. Em Buck - Mrs. Stella Wilbur Mrs. Jennie Bosard. T. C. Campbell. Ed Hazlett. Mr. R. M. Steele & Mrs.  Mamie Bosard Snavely.

A song the words of which were written by Cousin Charlie Congdon and sent by him to the reunion.3

Music on drum and piano was given by Mrs. Helen Wilson & son Richard also a recitation by George Robert Wilson.

Letters were read from Ruth Campbell Mitchell Mr. J. Ellison Mr. & Mrs. James Parks - Mr. and Mrs. Edward Horton Mr. Wm. Selph

Mrs. W. A. Monroe suggested that we all make a special effort for our next reunion which is the 25th one.

Mr. Ed Hazlett was chosen to write to Mr. J. Ellison and Secy to write Mr. Chas. Congdon expressing our appreciation for their messages of inspiration.

The following officers were reelected
Pres. L. B. Shaw
Secy. - Mrs. L. B. Shaw
Treas. - Mr. M. B. Seely

Mabel Shaw, Secy

1. The 1st Campbell Reunion was held in 1893, so this was the 25th.

2. Mabel wrote the words for that song.

3. Unfortunately we have no other information on that song.

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