Campbells of Nelson, PA

Aug. 19, 1926

The 34th Annual reunion of the Campbell Clan was held at Nelson Aug. 19, 1926.

Over 100 members availed themselves of this friendly fellowship.

The committee in charge gave their best in making arrangements and carrying out the same.

The committee on place of meeting secured the I.O.O.F. Hall and the refreshments committee was early on hand and spared no pains in arranging the dinner. The reception committee made each one feel the "at homeness" which makes a real reunion.

After the first tablespoonsfull had satisfied the natural appetite with the bountiful dinner served by willing hands they were entertained by Prof. Dann and family and when all had been served to dinner the Pres. C.H. Lugg took the chair and called the social and business meeting to order.

Cousin Chas. Congdon let the Clan in singing "America the Beautiful" and "America" in his own masterful manner, with Mrs. James Parks at the piano.

After Rev. Coral Butler offered prayer Cousin Mabel Shaw took charge of the program and in her able way made this hour of the day vie with the bountiful dinner in enjoyment and satisfaction to those present. She spoke of those of our number who have made for themselves names in the musical world as E. L. Monroe, Edward Young, Harry Campbell & C. H. Congdon. But added we have musical ability in our younger cousins & stated we were to be favored with music by some of them. She then called on Gertrude and Mary Butler of the "James Campbell family" who then favored us with a piano duet.

Cousin Mabel said the committee had tried to have a representative from each branch of the Clan have a part on the program; so she asked C.H. Lugg to represent the "Lugg unit"1 with a word of welcome - Altho it was the "Irishman's Surprise" to him he extended a hearty welcome.

A clarinet solo by George Wilson was so pleasing that he was encored & cheerfully responded. Fannie Monroe in behalf of the "Hazlett family",2 gave a reading, for the benefit of our cousins from the Sunny South she said, entitled "A Colored Wedding".3

A Piano Solo by Master Francis Hall of the "Merritt family"4 was encored & our little cousin responded very readily to the pleasure of his audience.

Mrs. E. S. Horton of the "Joseph Campbell family" gave an interesting paper containing facts gathered from previous Reunion minutes.

When Cousin Tommie was called on for remarks he told us he is so full of Florida with its sunshine and flowers he can not talk without speaking of it & he is sure the birds sing sweeter, the flowers are more fragrant & and the moon is bigger in St. Petersburg than any where else in the World, He read an account of "A Colored Funeral"2 to compliment Fannie's "A Colored Wedding" story.

Clyde Campbell responded to a request for an impromptu speech and again the "James Campbell family" was represented.

Seldon Butler favored us with a vocal solo entitled Fast Falls the Eventide and responded to the encore with another sacred selection.

Arthur McKean of the "Blackwell family"5 gave some interesting facts about the Blackwells & invited us all to come to Troy to examine his family records.

George Buck reminded us it is real worth or character he prizes most in his very favorably recollections of his ancestry & he is instilling in the minds of his sons the need of "carrying on" - the best from the lives of those who have passed on before.

After remarks by Mr. Shuman [sic] Mrs. Shaw was asked by cousin Frank Campbell to favor us with some songs she learned while in the South last winter. One of the several selections given was of more than passing interest because of the very precious "Truth" couched in the negro dialect3 which ran something like this-
What done to my Lord by Hisself alone (repeated twice)
Nailed him to the cross by Hisself alone (repeated twice)
Never said a mumblin word by Hisself alone (repeated twice)

Without doubt it drew out of all of our hearts to a deeper love for Him who so willingly gave His life that we through His sacrifice may have Eternal Life.

J. E. Hazlett made a plea for financial help for needed repairs on the Beechers Island Pres. Church where many of the Clans forefathers worshiped.

"America the Beloved" was heartily sung as Chas. Congdon again led & thus ended the excellent program provided by our committee

Minutes of 1925 meeting were read & approved E. C. Blackwell presented the financial need & the generous offering of $16.50 was given to which cousin Harry Kemp added another dollar making it $17.50 in all.

Edward Monroe at this time favored us with two solos which were greatly enjoyed by all present.

Officers for 1927 were elected as follows.
Harry Kemp          President
Mrs. Harry Kemp  Sec. & Treas.

The Pres. called for impromptu talks & the following responded. Harry Kemp, Chas. Congdon, Waldo Lugg, C.H. Lugg, T.C. Campbell. Clyde Campbell requested Harry Kemp get data and facts concerning the Campbells from his father David Kemp & give them at the reunion in 1927 & regretted "uncle David" could not be with us this year.

Carrie Smith by request gave a reading entitled "The Christmas Story" in negro dialect and Mrs. Shaw told us about her experience with "Uncle Tommy's" colored man.3

Cousins Emma Buck, Anna Miner, Carson Blackwell & John Hazlett also gave talks. Cousin John suggested the reunion in 1927 be held on the H.S. grounds.

Informally adjourned.

Minnie J. Lugg, Sec. & Treas.

Treasurer's Report

Bal. from 1925 -

Collection 1926

Paid to E. C. Blackwell

for I.O.O.F. Hall rent

     1 lb. butter

     Cleaning Hall & dishwashing

To M. B. Seely for paper napkins

     C. H. Lugg for 100 post cards & printing

     C. H. Lugg & Co., colored paper (for decoration)

Balance handed to Mrs. Harry Kemp















Aug. 19, 1926 Minnie J. Lugg, Treas.

1. Descendants of James or his brother Joseph Campbell, are also Luggs because their wives were daughters of Sarah Lugg. C. H. Lugg, like all of our cousins that still carry the Lugg surname, was a descendant of Sarah's brother, Charles Byron Lugg.

2. Three of Joseph and Mary Harper Campbell's daughters married Hazletts. Fannie was a descendant of Jane Campbell, who married John Hazlett. Our other Hazlett branches are descendants of Jane's sister, Sally Campbell, who married John's brother, Sam Hazlett. And descendants of their sister, Mary Campbell, who married a different (as far as we know unrelated) John Hazlett -  haven't yet participated, but we are now in touch and hope they will join us soon.

3. Everyone is a product of their times. It's unfair to judge people born and raised in the19th century by the standards of the 21st century. Our Campbell Cousins of 1925 were "God fearing" pillars of their communities. But racial stereotypes and prejudice were pervasive in 1920s  America. The '20s & '30s were a high point of KKK activity, with hundreds of lynchings. Large KKK parades were held in Binghamton and other Northern cities. There were "Jim Crow" laws throughout the South. Fortunately our awareness of discrimination and prejudice has improved in the last 90 years. But I wonder what things in our writings will cause people 90 years from now to say "How could they be oblivious of ___?" - wbt

4. Our Merritts are descendants of Jane CAMPBELL Hazlett. When [Edwin ]Francis Hall grew up, he married Cousin Helen Van Dusen, a descendant of Jos. & Ann Clinch Campbell.

5. All of the Blackwells that came to our reunions were descendents of John Blackwell (1734 - 1824), whose will is on our website. Most were descendants of his son, Enoch Blackwell (ca 1764 - 1816), but some were descendents of various siblings of Enoch. Enoch had 7 children by his first wife, Hannah Perrin, and 2 by his 2nd wife, Sarah Lugg. aaaThe maternal grandfather of the speaker, Arthur Blackwell McKean, was a descendant of Hannah Perrin. Arthur's maternal grandmother, was a descendant of one of Enoch's brothers. It doesn't make genealogical sense, but the attendees of these reunions apparently didn't think of James Campbell's descendents as also being Luggs and Blackwells. Nor of the descendants of his brother, Joseph Campbell as also being Luggs.

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