Campbells of Nelson, PA


Campbell Reunion

The 35th1 Annual reunion of the Beechers Island Campbell family was at Nelson, Pa. on Aug. 18, about 80 members and guests attending. A bountiful dinner served in the I. O. O. F. The meeting was called to order by the President Harry C. Kemp, the program being in charge of Mrs. Fannie Monroe. Singing, "America"; prayer Rev. Mabel Barker; talk by the president; secretary's report read and accepted; letters read from absent members; J .E. Hazlett spoke on "Our Heritage"; solo by Edith Merritt; piano solo Harry Eaton; the reunion song written Mabel Shipman Shaw was sung; impromptu speeches by Mrs. Emma Pray, Mr. Pray, Mrs. Coral Butler, C. H. Lugg, M. B. Seely, F. R. Hazlett, Mabel Shaw, Clyde Campbell, Edward Monroe.

David C. Kemp, whose wife was Harriet Campbell and who is 95 years of age was present, and special mention was made of that fact. Greetings were sent to E. C. Blackwell, who is ill.

The offices for next year are the present ones, re-elected: Harry C. Kemp, president, and Mrs. Harry C. Kemp, secretary and treasurer. Closed by singing "Blest be the tie that binds.

Those present were: Mrs. Fannie Monroe, Mrs. Wm. Pepper, F. R. Hazlett, E. L. Monroe, of Elmira; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lugg, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lugg, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lugg, of Knoxville; Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Pray, of Williamsport; Mrs. Sarah Johnson, Harold Johnson, Robert Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson, of Westfield, R.D.; Mr. and Mrs. G. Wilson Lugg, of Albany; Mabel Shaw, Helen Wilson, of Mansfield; Myra Campbell, Rev. Coral Butler and family of Thompson, Pa.; Mrs. W. H. Clark, Mrs. Ann Van Dusen, Mr. and Mrs. Judd [sic] Seely, Mrs. Ada Crandall, of Osceola; Clyde Campbell, John Campbell, Mildred and Rena Campbell, Mrs. Rose Jones, Mrs. Iancy Selph, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fisk, of Elkland; Helen Kemp, of Galeton; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kemp, of Lawrenceville; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Davis and daughter, of Tioga, R. D.; and David C. Kemp, Mrs. Wm. Boller, Mrs. Stella Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cady, M. B. Seely, Roscoe Kemp and family, Mrs. Ida Eaton, Mrs. E. W. Close, Elma and Edith Merritt, Ruth Blackwell, Mrs. C. H. [sic] Lugg, Harry Eaton, John A. Kemp, J. E. Hazlett, of Nelson.

Visitors were: Rev. Mabel Barker, Mrs. Laura Barker, Velma Chilson, of Nelson; Mrs. Hills, of Endicott; Mrs. Eloise Brown, of Lindley; Mrs. Minnie Calkins, of Silver Springs, N. Y.; and Mr. and Mrs. John English, of Filmore, N. Y.---Sarah B. Kemp, Secretary.

Sarah B. Kemp.-Secy.

1. All the records I have seen state 1893 was the first. Such as 1893 minutes, 1894 minutes, and 1894 invitation. I don't know why Laura BOSARD Mourey became convinced the first Campbell Reunion was in 1892. This was the 34th reunion, not the 35th  -wbt.

[Two of the lines of type were switched. I corrected their sequence. - wbt]

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