5422 South Pine St.
South Tacoma, Washington,
September 20th, 1923.

Dear Cousins:
Greetings from the North.

The second Cousins' letter finds us still on the Pacific Coast nicely situated in our comfortable home in one of the beautiful cities in the State of Washington,‑ Tacoma sur­rounded on the North and West by Puget Sound, South and East by sparkling fresh water lakes and background of mountains, -­Olympics on the North and Cascades on East and Mount Tacoma, nearly 15,000 feet high, looming out of the sky and when clear looks as though one could walk to its base in one hour;-­still it is sixty miles away.
    Brother Charlie and our family had the pleasure this summer of taking a trip with auto to this Mountain which was called God,‑ to the snow line 9,000 feet high, where we had our photos taken among the beautiful wild flowers. The view from where we were was indescribably grand,‑ rivers flowing from the mountain's side and glaciers of ice working their way down. I think Brother Charlie can describe our trip better than I. We started early in the morning and returned 8 P.M. We had a grand trip. I hope Brother will be with you at the Cousins' dinner.
     This being our second letter for Cousins' Correspondence Book, I want to tell you all what pleasure and joy it was to myself and dear wife to read and re‑read your first letters and we are looking forward to the second letters which will soon be due, and this will be another bright spot in our lives.
    We have had a beautiful summer,‑ the weather has been perfect arid our families have had many pleasant auto trips to the lakes, parks, mountains and nearby cities. Although I do not think this the only beautiful country, there is no valley more beautiful than the old Cowanesque where we all received our first impressions of this great world God has given us to live in, and how happy every one would be if we would follow the teachings of the Master who said, "My peace I give unto you, but not as the world gives."
    We have been greatly blessed in having our children settle near us‑‑ just now one of our family is absent,­- Leroy's wife, Helen, who is visiting in the East. We think lots of her and miss her very much. Elizabeth is with us while Helen is away and Edgar is with Lee. We have written her to attend the Cousins' Dinner if she possibly can. She expects to visit Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, and New York before she returns. I am sure you will like her,‑ she is

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bright and full of fun. I hope she can meet you all. She was very much interested in reading your first letters.
    One word about my wife,‑ she came into the family when only a girl and in early life was so closely associated with the Cousins that you all seem like brothers and sisters to her;‑ in fact, you seem closer to her than her own blood relations and how she did enjoy her last visit with you all.
    Georgia and Oscar were over and spent Labor Day with us. We do enjoy their visits when they come but they do not come often enough. Georgia is very much interested in her work raising flowers for the market,‑ (but Em says they don't raise beans). They have a beautiful home facing the Sound. Oscar is still working for the Alaska Steamship Company.
    Cousin Jim Parks and wife and Cousin Sue Seely and Brother Charlie and his daughter Bernice, and Brother Jabe and George Buck have visited us since We have lived in Tacoma. We had hoped to see Cousin Tommie and Frank last summer and heard Cousin Kate is coming this winter,‑ we hope she comes. Whoever comes, try to come in the summer months if possible. You are welcome any old time. You will never see the beauty and grandeur of our beloved country unless you visit the Pacific Coast. I am extending this letter too long. We would love to be with you at the Cousins' Dinner, September 26th. Hope to be with you another year.
     With love to you all and kindest wishes for your happiness, we are

Sincerely yours


Photo of Ed Condon's Family & Charley

            Photo of

   Charles H. Congdon (Standing‑left)
   Ed. T. Congdon (Standing‑Center)
   Leroy V. Congdon (Standing‑Right)
   Helen Congdon
    (Lee's wife) (Sitting‑Left)
   Em Congdon
    (Ed's wife) (Sitting‑Right)

            Taken Summer of 1923

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(Sarah Campbell Family)

Copyright 2000, 2001, 2012 Tom Zurflieh and Wm. Thompson. Commercial use prohibited.

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