Nelson, Pa.,

April 1, 1926.

Dear Cousins:-

I suppose I am the last one to send in my letter but as you all know, I am always about two jumps behind all the rest.

Last June and July I was out in Orleans County, New York; was there during the cherry harvest, which I enjoyed very much, watching them first grow and mature, then being able to to to the orchard and pick and eat all - sometimes more - than one could carry1.

In October, most of the Cousins were present at Cousin Minnie Clark's to the annual dinner, which we all know was a perfect success; a delightful dinner, a good visit with each one and getting the very good photos of so many, which I expect we will all have a chance to enjoy. We hope we may have a "full house" at the next Cousins Dinner.

The last of October I went down to Maplewood, N.J., to assist, if I could, at the coming wedding of Cousin Doris Selph. The weather was fine; of course there was plenty of work to do, but it was such fun, as Will and Edith are such capital entertainers, and it is hard to tell who was the most interested in the wedding, the man who gave the bride away or the man who received the bride. Now I don't mean that Cousin Will was anxious to have Doris leave home, but he was so pleased to see her happy in her new home, and if you all knew Doris' husband, Philip, I think you would all like him very much.

At Christmas time I went to Buffalo to stay with one of my grandsons who was married the first of November; spent a very pleasant winter; it was very cold there, but not much snow right in the city. In the surrounding country there was plenty of snow banks.

At last I am back in Nelson and expect to settle down and stay at home. I have stepped on the gas and been on the tilt quite lively for the past two years. After this if any of you want to know of my "whereabouts" come to Aunt Lib Hughey's old home and there you will find us ready to receive you as the latch string hangs on the door2.

1. Several of her children spent summers in that area harvesting crops.

2. Log cabins of that era didn't have door locks or door knobs They had a door latch, with a string attached. To allow the door to be opened from the outside, they closed the door with the string sticking out so it could pull on the string to lift the latch. and open the door.

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(Eleanor Campbell Family)

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Was very sorry to hear of the sudden death of Cousin Phil Young I extend my sympathy to the wife and children.

Last evening the familiar face and form of Cousin Charlie Congdon put in an appearance in town; he seemed to have quite a cold, but wanted to see us all if only for a few minutes. He told us of the marriage of his daughter, Bernice, who has gone to live in Arizona for the present.

As Cousins Tommie and Frank are making arrangements for their golden wedding anniversary, it reminds me of their wedding fifty years ago, when Jessie Campbell and I helped to get their home ready for their new housekeeping. Dell Campbell worked for them on the farm that summer.

Fifty years ago the fourth of this month I left the Orphan School at Mansfield. My hair was red and I was round like a pumpkin; my weight at that time was nearly what it is now.

We will all be so glad when Spring and warm weather arrive think we all will feel better. There has been a great deal of sickness here this winter.

It is now warm sugar time3, but Mark (Owlett) is not making any this year, as his time is taken up with the arrival of a new baby girl, born February 28th; her name is Helen Marie, so you see I keep adding a bud now and then to the tree of kinship.

Hope to hear from everyone and that we may all be spared to write a letter next year.

With much love,

Sincerely yours,


3. Maple sap was boiled to evaporate water, first reaching the consistency of maple syrup and boilded down further to make maple sugar and the concentrated syrup was poured into molds to become maple sugar once it cooled. But before it cooled, it was "warm sugar".

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(Eleanor Campbell Family)

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