Campbells of Nelson, PA

Registration - 1904 Reunion

[Note that some attendees may have left before registration was taken at the end of the gathering, The minutes report 160 present- wbt]

Name Address
Arthur Jones & wife Elkland
Pearl Mowrie Elmira, N.Y,
Myra A. Buck Sugar Hill, N.Y.
Bernice Congdon Marshalls Creek, Pa.
E.S. Pratt Scranton, Pa.
Martha Pratt    "     "
Phebe Campbell Hoyt Nelson, Pa.
Stella Loop Hooker      "     "
C. W. Mourie Nelson, Pa.
Lee M. Seely
A.R. Ellison Elkland, Pa
Ruth Ellison       "     "
Douglas C. Miner
Helen B. Williams
Geo. H. Williams
Mrs. J. D. Campbell Nelson Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Loop Elmira, N.Y,
Mrs. Ann K. Lugg & family Knoxville
G. W. Buck Elmira, N.Y.
Grace C. Buck       "     "
Joseph W. Buck       "     "
Ruth C. Buck       "     "
Jerome C. Buck       "     "
Mary M. Merritt Nelson, Pa.
Mrs. Eleanor Bosard Nelson, Pa.
F. D. Owlett Nelson, Pa.
John Owlett Addison, N.Y.
William H. Clark Osceola, Pa.
Jessie Owlett Addison, N.Y.
Andrew Owlett Addison, N.Y.
Mrs. Anna Owlett Adison, N.Y.
Inez Hoyt Boller Nelson, Pa.
Jessie Hoyt       "      "
J. E. Hazlett & wife       "      "
Mrs. Nancy Pepper       "      "
Mary Campbell Shipman Knoxville Pa
Frances Shewman       "        "
Jud D. Seely Osceola
Mary H. Seely        "
Frances G. Hoyt Nelson
Isabelle       "
Elizabeth     "
C. H. Lugg &wife & son Coudersport, Pa.
E. H. Hazlett & wife
E. B. Smith & wife
Mary Parks
Walton Whitehead
Sarah Whiethead
M. Jean Lugg
____ Johnson [too faint]
Mable Shipman Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Wm E Selph 234 Cleremont Ave, Bklyn
A. E. Campbell &wife Nelson Pa.
E. B. Campbell
Allen Seely Osceola
Mrs F. D. Selph
John Campbell Elkland
Rena Campbell
Mildred Campbell
Clyde Campbell
Mrs. Mary Greeen Elkland
Elizabeth Campbell Elkland
Cora Stoddard       "
Lawrence Signor
C. B. Lugg & wife
A. W. Lugg & wife Knoxville

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