Campbells of Nelson, PA

July 1921 Sec. Mrs. J. M. Parks paid former Sec. Rena Campbell $2.90 for printing of invitations for 1920. Emma L. Parks paid $3.25 for printing of 200 invitations (postal cards) for 1921 Reunion

18921                             1921

The Thirtieth2 Annual Re-union of the Campbell family was held on the School-grounds at Nelson Thurs. Aug 25th. It was a beautiful day and about eighty members were present and enjoyed the bountiful dinner which was spread before them. Meeting was called to order by Pres. James M. Parks followed by reading of minutes of last meeting by the Sec.

Reminiscences given by Laura Mourey. H. C. Hughey's letter read by Ann Owlett. Messages and Letters from J. Ellison, Mary Beers, Jennie Bosard and E. S. Pratt.

Mrs. J. L. Buck gave us a pleasant description of her former S. S Teacher, Mary Beers.

A Motion was made by Mrs. L. B Shaw that the Sec. be instructed to write these relatives who sent regrets.

T. C. Campbell gave an impromptu speech and extended an invitation to all to come to Florida.

Mrs. E. T. Congdon expressed her pleasure at being with us and invited us to reune at Tacoma, Wash.

Mrs. J. L. Buck gave a reminiscent talk. Mrs. L. B. Shaw spoke of her pleasant visit recently at her Uncle Will's in Marinette, Wis. and at Nina Knuttle's (her Uncle Joe Campbell's daughter's in Saginaw).3 Telling how pleasantly they were all located. J. E. Hazlett gave an interesting speech.

T. C. Campbell suggested that someone be appointed to take charge of and preserve the history & reminiscences of the family.

Motion made by Mrs. T. C. Campbell rep. of the James Campbell branch naming Clyde Campbell as chairman of committee and Mabel Shaw of the Joseph Campbell branch to work together with Edd Hazlett in getting together the history of the families.

Mrs. E. S. Horton gave a talk on our living up to the high standards of Sunday observance set by our fathers.

Mrs. Hattie Campbell spoke of looking forward to a a greater Re-union than that of our family.

Same Pres. & Sec. & Treas were reelected.

Signed by the Sec.
Emma L. Parks

Col. Aug 25, 1921       - $4.46
Turned over by
M. B. Seely Aug 25 1921 $2.00
                              Total $6.46
Paid Sec on invitations    $1.34
                     On Hand - $5.12Aug 1921.

1. All the records I have seen state 1893 was the first. Such as 1893 minutes, 1894 minutes, and 1894 invitation. I don't know why Laura BOSARD Mourey became convinced the first Campbell Reunion was in 1892  -wbt.

2. Because they started in 1893, this was the 29th.

3. Emma was confused. Mabel did have an Uncle Joseph D. Campbell. But Nina's father was Joseph G. Campbell, Mabel's 1st cousin twice removed

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