Campbells of Nelson, PA


[Secretary's recording of names at the 1900 Reunion.
Some attendees may not have registered. - wbt]

Name Address
T C Campbell
Mrs.      "
Mary Campbell1
G H Shipman
Mrs. G H "
Helen     "
Jas. - Parks
Mrs.  "
E H Knapp
Mrs.   "
Wm Knapp
Mrs. V. Green
Anna Signor
Lawrence Signor
Mrs. Fred Green
Master Kemp Green
Mr. & Mrs. Wm E Selph 234 Cleremont Ave, Bklyn
D C Kemp
Mrs.   "
Harry Kemp
Mrs. "  "
Roscoe Kemp
Curtis Kemp
Anna Ensel [sic]
John Kemp
J C Campbell
Mrs       "  
Clyde    "
Mildred "
Ada Crandall
Mayland [sic] "
Eleanor Bosard
Miss  "     "
Chas. Mourie
Mrs. "    "
Mrs. Lee Seely
Mary    "
Ralph Seely
Fay Owlett
M B Seely
Mrs "  "
Lena    "
Emily   "
A B Miner
Mrs "    "
Douglas "
Helen    "
George Tubbs
Jane Tubbs
Leah    "
Denne    "
Wm Ellison Elkland, Pa
Mrs.   "    "          "
Hugh "    "          "
Edna   "    "          "
Phebe Campbell Hoyt Nelson, Pa.
Frances G. Hoyt
Jessie          "
Elizabeth     "
Isabell [sic]  "
Alta Cady
Jennie  "
Enoch Blackwell Mansfield Pa
Mary Blackwell      "          "
Emma Buck Sugar Hill N Y
George "   "       "
G. W. Buck Elmira, N.Y.
Mrs "   "       "     "
Perl [sic] Mowrey       "     "
Ruth Buck       "     "
Jerome Buck       "     "
James Eaton
Mrs. "   "
Guss   "
Clara   "
O A Vandusen Farmington Center Pa
Mrs   "    "        "             "        "
Ross   "    "        "             "        "
Harry "    "        "             "        "
Burr   "    "        "             "        "
Coral Butler East Chatham Pa
Mrs   "    "    "         "         "
Samuel Hazlett Osceola Pa
Mrs   "    "    "          "
Feris [sic] "    "          "
Mamme [sic] "    "          "
F R Hazlett Osceola Pa
Mrs "    "    "          "
Clinton "    "          "
John    "    "          "
Blair    "    "          "
Margarete [sic] "    "          "
Wm Pepper Nelson Pa
Mrs Wm "     "
John      "     "
A C Evans Lindley N Y
Mrs "  "      "       "
Pernell Smart      "       "
Mrs "      "      "       "     
Dolly Evans      "       "     
Rev. Hallock Armstrong Nelson Pa
Ruth -     "       "
E J Hall Elbridge Pa
Mrs "  "      "       "     
Louise "      "       "     
Burr    "      "       "     
Merritt "      "       "     
C. B. Lugg Nelson
Mrs "   "
Jud D. Seely Osceola
Mrs "    "      "
Mrs C F Merritt
Sal Jane
Mrs Caroline Blackwell Lawrenceville
John Blackwell West Burlington Pa
Mrs "   "

1. Perhaps Tommie & Frank's daughter, Mary Helena CAMPBELL Shewman, who was married in 1897 or Mary "Mamie CAMPBELL Selph."The names on the register were written by the secretary, so they reflected how the secretary thought of them, not how they would have signed in themselves. It may have been Mary COURSON Campbell, who attended several of the reunions.

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