The Campbell Reunion Society met on the School grounds at Nelson on Thursday Aug 14" [1902] It was an ideal day. and there were 150 members present. whose names appear on the register. and probably from 25 to 50 others present who did not register. Dinner was served at one O'clock Sharp. by the following corpse [sic] of waiters. Emily Seely, Annie Encil [sic], John Kemp, Mamie Hazlett, Burr Van Dusen, Myra Buck, Hugh Ellison, Louise Hall, Gussie Eaton, Harry Campbell and Rena Campbell. And such a Dinner. none but the Campbell Clan Could have prepared Such a one. and probably there is no other clan that could have gotten outside so much of it. as did the Campbell Clan. Especially in so Short a time. This Shows they are not only good Cooks and eaters, but hustlers
After the Dinner was served. the following literary program was
rendered. Address of Welcome by Mr Frank
Selph. Then all joined in singing "Blest
be the tie that binds" Family reminiscences by E
B Campbell and J.
E Hazlett. Vocal Duet, by Miss Edna
Ellison and Miss Helen
Shipman. Family reminiscences by Mrs Jane
Tubbs. A song by Prof C. H.
Congdon. who received so hearty an encore he responded with
another song. The Secy then read regrets from Dr Ross
G Loop of Elmira; Mr. and Mrs
E S Pratt of Scranton. Mrs [Miss]
Campbell of Pittsburg [sic].
and W. C. Campbell of
Marinette Wis. The following Officers for the ensuing year were then
E. B. Campbell, President.
J. D. Campbell, Secretary.
M. B. Seely, Treasurer.
A bill covering all expenses to date was then read and the Treasurer reported Funds on hand sufficient to pay all indebtedness. including the Four new Tables which our President had made especially for the Campbell re-union Society and still leave a balance on hand in the treasury of $4.95 which was turned over to the new treasurer, Mr M B Seely.
Upon motion duly made and carried. the next Annual reunion will be held at Nelson on the Third Thursday in August. in the year 1903. and the President and Secy were authorized to name the various committees for same.
The farewell Address was then made by the Rev. W. A. Allen of Painted Post at the close of which. All Joined in singing "At our Campbell Reunion" a piece which was written [the words] by Mabel Shipman Shaw and was sung for the first time. at our re-union of Aug 22" 1901.
The Chairman then called upon a number present for some remarks. and
the following persons responded.
Lafayette Roundsville of Bay City Mich
C. H Congdon of New York. and
Dr A. M. Loop of Nelson. The remarks by these three gentlemen were
most heartily enjoyed by all present.
A photographer was present and took a Photograph of the party. The balance of the day was passed in renewing friendships and exchanging friendly greetings. and all present pronounced it the best reunion the society ever had. Everyone seemed to wear a smile. and All were so interested in program that you could almost hear a pin drop at any time. Never was a more perfect day made. and never will there be one better remembered than this will be by all, who attended the re-union of Aug 14" 1902